Working with the Payday Submission Reports

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Working with the Payday Submission Reports

Payday submission reports are available so that you can report on what will or what has been reported to the IRD in a Payday return submission or in an individual employment details submission respectively. These reports are described in detail below.

Payday Return Submission Report

A pre and post-submission report is available for Payday returns. The pre-submission report is available for Payday returns that are listed on the Payroll > IR Electronic Reporting > Payday Reporting Return screen to allow users to report on what information will be submitted to the IRD when the corresponding Payday return is submitted.

The following applies to the pre-submission report:

  • It is available only for Payday returns that are yet to be submitted to the IRD or that need to be re-submitted (submission status of Not SubmittedTechnical ErrorRejected and Partially Completed)

  • It shows the data that will be included in the corresponding return when the return is submitted. However, any negative monetary values are shown as negative values so that you can identify any amounts that they will need to adjust manually via the IRD employer portal (since Payday reporting does not support reporting of negative amounts).

To view the pre-submission report for a Payday return, click the Open Report button that is displayed next any of the entries that are listed in the Results section of the Payday Reporting screen as shown below.

The pre-submission report is available only for Payday returns that have a submission status of Not SubmittedTechnical ErrorRejected and Partially Completed.


The post-submission is available for each submission that is listed on the Payroll > IR Electronic Reporting > Payday Reporting Return > Audit screen, thereby allowing you to report on what information was reported to the IRD in each submission of a Payday return.

The following applies to the post-submission report:

  • It is only available for returns that have a submission status other than Not Submitted.

  • It shows the information that was included in the return when the return was submitted. Note that any negative monetary values shown on the report will have been reported as a zero value, since Payday reporting does not support reporting of negative amounts. Any such amounts must be adjusted manually via the IRD employer portal to reflect the true, negative value.

To view the post-submission report, click the Open Report button next to any submission that is listed on the Audit screen.

The following fields are displayed in the report header:

Pay Company

Displays the name of the pay company to which Payday return corresponds.


IRD No. 

Displays the IRD number that identifies the pay company to which the Payday return corresponds.


Submission Date

Displays the date and time that the Payday return was submitted or is blank if the return is yet to be submitted.


Pay Period Start Date

Displays the start date of the pay period to which the Payday return corresponds.


Payment Date

Displays the payment date to which the Payday return corresponds.


Submission Status

Displays the submission status of the Payday return. This is blank if the return is yet to be submitted.


The following fields on the report identify a pay batch that contributes information to the Payday return.


Pay Batch No.

Displays the pay batch number that uniquely identifies a pay batch that contributes data to the Payday return.


Pay Batch Type

Displays Normal if the corresponding pay batch processed pay for an open pay period or Adjustment if the pay batch processed pay adjustments for a closed pay period.


The following fields on the report identify the payees who were paid in the pay batch and were subject to PAYE.


Payee No.

Displays the system generated, 9-digit payee number that uniquely identifies a payee in FastTrack360.First



Displays the listed payee's given name.


Last Name

Displays the listed payee's surname.


IRD Number

Displays the ID that uniquely identifies the listed payee to the IRD.


Tax Code

Displays the listed payee's tax code.


Start Date

Displays the listed payee's employment start date.


End Date

Displays the listed payee's employment end date, if applicable.


Lump Sum at Termination

Displays Yes if the payee was terminated in the pay batch and received a lump sum payment at termination or displays No if the payee was not terminated in the pay batch or did not receive a lump sum payment at termination.


Gross Earnings

Displays the payee's gross earnings in the pay batch, exclusive of reimbursements and non-taxable allowances.


ACC Levy Exempt Earnings

Displays the subset of the payee's gross earnings in the pay batch that were not subject to the ACC earner levy.



Displays the amount of income tax that was withheld from the payee's earnings in the pay batch.


Child Support

Displays the child support deduction amount that was deducted from the payee's earnings in the pay batch.


Student Loan

Displays the student loan repayment amount that was withheld from the payee’s earnings in the pay batch.



Displays the additional Student Loan Commissioner Installment Rate deduction amount that was withheld from the payee's earnings in the pay batch.



Displays the Student Loan Borrower Rate deduction amount that was deducted from the payee's earnings in the pay batch.


Employer KiwiSaver

Displays the employer KiwiSaver contribution amount that the payee accrued in the pay batch.


Employee KiwiSaver

Displays the amount that the payee contributed to KiwiSaver via deductions from their earnings in the pay batch.


Payroll Donation Tax Credits

Displays the the tax credit amount that the payee received for making payroll donations in the pay batch.



Displays the amount of employer superannuation contribution tax that was calculated in the pay batch based on the payee’s KiwiSaver contributions. 


Payee Totals

This section shows totals for each payee based on all pay batches that contribute information to the Payday return.

Employment Details Submission Report

A report is available for each payee employment details (create, update, terminate) submission that is listed on the Payroll New Zealand > IR Report > Payday Payee Reporting screen to show what has been submitted to the IRD in the corresponding employment details submission.

To view the employment details submission report, click the Open Report button next to any submission shown on the Submission tab of the Payday Payee Reporting screen.

Payee No.

Displays the payee number that uniquely identifies the payee in FastTrack360.


First Name

Displays the payee's given name.


Middle Name

Displays the payee's middle name.



Displays the payee's family name.


Pay Company

Displays the name of the pay company by which the payee is employed.


Submitted By

Displays the username of the FastTrack360 user who invoked the submission, if the submission was triggered manually, or displays System if the submission was triggered automatically.


Submitted By First Name

Displays the given name of the FastTrack360 user who invoked the submission, if the submission was triggered manually, or displays blank if the submission was triggered automatically.


Submitted By Surname

Displays the family name of the FastTrack360 user who invoked the submission, if the submission was triggered manually, or displays blank if the submission was triggered automatically.


Submission Date

Displays the date and time of submission.


Submission Type

Displays the Create, Update or Terminate to identify if the submission was to create, update or terminate the employer/employee relationship respectively.


Submission Status

Displays the status of the submission. This can be one of the following:

Submitted - the submission has been sent to the IRD and a response is yet to be received

Rejected - the submission has been sent to the IRD but the IRD has rejected the submission

Technical Error - a system error or system outage prevented the submission being sent or the submission was sent but no response was received from the IRD

Completed - the submission was sent to the IRD and was accepted.


Employment Details

This section of the report identifies the payee employment details that have been included in the submission.



Displays the payee's IRD number. If the submission type is Update and the payee's IRD number has changed since the payee's employment details were last reported to the IRD via Payday filing, this is the payee's previously reported IRD number. Otherwise, this displays the payee's current IRD number.


Updated IRD No.

Displays the payee's updated IRD number, if the IRD number has changed since the employer/employee relationship was created via Payday filing.

This is blank if the submission type is Create or Terminate or if the payee's IRD number did not change since it was last reported.


Employee Name on EI Line

Displays an identifier that is used by the IRD, along with the payee's name and IRD number, to identify the payee. This is always set to the unique 9-digit FastTrack360 payee number.


Tax Code

Displays the payee's tax code or displays blank if the submission type is Terminate because the payee's tax code is not sent when terminating the employer/employee relationship.


Start Date

Displays the payee's employment start date.


End Date

Displays the payee's employment end date, if applicable.


Date of Birth

Displays the payee's date of birth.



Displays the payee's mailing address or displays blank if the submission type is Terminate because the payee's address details are not sent when terminating the employer/employee relationship.



Displays the payee's mailing address or displays blank if the submission type is Terminate because the payee's email address is not sent when terminating the employer/employee relationship.


KiwiSaver Status

Displays one of the following to identify the payee's KiwiSaver status if the submission type is Create or Update:

  • Active Member

  • Eligible for Auto Enrolment

  • Opting In

  • Casual/Temp Employee

  • Not Eligible

Displays blank if the submission type is Terminate because the payee's KiwiSaver status is not sent when terminating the employer/employee relationship.


KiwiSaver Eligibility

Identifies whether the payee is a new payee are an existing payee who is opting into KiwiSaver.

Displays New Employee if the payee's KiwiSaver status is Opting In or Active Member and the payee has not opted out of KiwiSaver. Alternatively, displays Existing Employee if the payee's KiwiSaver status is Eligible for Auto Enrolment and the payee has not been opted out of KiwiSaver.

This field is blank if the submission type is Terminate because KiwiSaver details are not sent when terminating the employer/employee relationship.


KiwiSaver Opted Out

Displays Yes if the payee is opted out of KiwiSaver or No if the payee is not opted out.

This is blank if the submission type is Create or Terminate because KiwiSaver opt out information is not sent when creating or terminating the employer/employee relationship.


Opt Out Signature Date

Displays the date on which the payee opted out of KiwiSaver, if applicable.


Late Opt-out Reason

Displays the reason why the payee opted out of KiwiSaver later than 56 days of commencing employment, if applicable.


KiwiSaver Opt Out Bank Account Details

This section of the report is populated only if the submission type is Update and the payee has opted out of KiwiSaver. It identifies the bank account into which KiwiSaver payments will be refunded.


Bank Code

Displays the bank code that identifies the banking institution at which the account is held.



Displays the branch code of the bank at which the account is held.


Account No.

Displays the account number of the bank account.


Account Suffix

Displays the account suffix of the bank account.


Account Holder Name

Displays the name of the bank account holder.

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