How to Define a Manual Rule Action/Action Limit

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Define a Manual Rule Action/Action Limit

As manual items correspond to a specific pay code it is generally unnecessary to define more than one action for each manual pay code rule. That is, all units allocated against a specific manual item on a timesheet are normally allocated against a single pay code, which is the code that identifies the manual item itself. Therefore, although it is possible to define multiple actions for a manual pay code rule, this is usually unnecessary.

Define an Action for a Manual Rule


If not already open, open the relevant rule in the Pay Code Rule Entry pane of the Edit Pay Agreement screen and click the Actions tab.

The Actions tab is activated.



Click Add.

The Add Action Item Entry pane displays on the right of the screen within the Actions tab.


In the Pay Code column, select the pay code against which the action is to allocate manual items. This should be the same pay code as the pay code defined within the manual condition of the rule.



In the Quantity Per Unit column, type the quantity to be paid for each unit allocated against the selected pay code.



At the header of the record, click OK.

A confirmation message opens, indicating the agreement has been saved successfully.

Define an Action Limit for a Manual Rule


Within the Limits section, click Add.

A new row appears within the Limits grouping.


In the Quantity field, type the quantity that defines the limit. For example, a value of 10 will indicate a minimum or maximum limit of ten units.



In the Limit Type field, select Minimum if the action limit is to be a minimum limit or select Maximum if the action limit is to be a maximum limit.



In the Frequency field, select one of the following options depending on the frequency with which the action limit is to apply:

  • Per Day – limit will be applied to each day on a timesheet

  • Per Week – limit will be applied to each week on a timesheet

  • Per Timesheet – limit will apply to an entire timesheet.



In the Limit Based On column, select Pay Code Group and then select the relevant pay code group based on which the action will be limited, as shown in the example below.

Alternatively, leave the default option of Default To Pay Code selected if the action is to be limited based only on the pay code to which the action applies.



At the header of the record, click OK.

A confirmation message opens, indicating the pay agreement has been saved successfully.
