How to Change the Date of a Shift

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Change the Date of a Shift

In some circumstances it might be necessary to change the work dates of shifts (attendance items) on a timesheet. For example, when you add a new shift to a timesheet the work date of the new shift defaults to that of the preceding shift on your timesheet. However, this may not necessarily be the required work date for the new shift and hence you will need to set the correct work date accordingly.

Generally, attendance items are not required for timesheets that belong to standard rates job orders. However, if it is necessary to capture work start and end times on standard rates timesheets, attendance items can be added to the timesheets to capture that information.

Depending on the job order to which a timesheet belongs, the timesheet may be pre-populated with attendance items based on the job schedule of the job. In such cases, it is only necessary to add, edit or delete attendance items on the timesheet if the payee's actual hours worked differed from the job schedule of the job order (e.g. the payee worked overtime or was absent for all or part of a scheduled shift).

Note that all work dates on a timesheet must fall within the work period to which the timesheet corresponds. Therefore, when changing the work date of a shift you can only choose from dates that fall within that date range.

To change the date of a shift, follow the procedure below. 


Open the relevant timesheet in the Timesheet Entry screen.


In the Attendance section, locate the row corresponding to the relevant shift.


In the Work Date column and select the relevant date from the popup calendar.


Click Save near the top of the Timesheet Entry screen to save the timesheet or click Submit to submit the timesheet.



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