How to Add Additional Items to a Timesheet

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Add Additional Items to a Timesheet

You can add additional items to a timesheet if the payee on whose behalf you key in timesheets is eligible to claim allowances. Allowances are payments that a payee may be eligible to receive under the conditions of their employment to compensate for regular out-of-pocket expenses that the payee may incur as a result of carrying out their employment. For example, a payee may be eligible to receive a meal allowance to compensate for regular meal expenses incurred while working long shifts.

Allowances are distinct from reimbursements, which are payments to compensate a payee for ad-hoc, out-of-pocket expenses for which the payee does not receive an allowance. For more information, see How to Add Reimbursements to Timesheets.

Alternatively, if the payee works a job order that is subject to standard rates, their timesheets will be automatically populated with additional items based on the standard rates that apply to the corresponding job order. Where this is the case, it may be necessary to specify or edit the quantity or pay rate of the standard rate items that apply to the job order.

Each additional item that is defined on a timesheet is identified by the following:

  • work date to which the item applies

  • type of allowance or standard rate item (for example: fuel allowance)

  • quantity of the item being claimed

  • rate at which the item is being claimed, if applicable

  • project code that identifies the project to which the cost corresponds, if applicable.

Additional items are displayed on and edited via the Additional Items section of the Timesheet Entry screen, as highlighted in the example below.

To add an additional item to a timesheet, follow the procedure below. 


Open the relevant timesheet in the Timesheet Entry screen.


Click the Additional Items section.

The Additional Items section opens.


Click the down arrow next to the Date column and select the relevant date from the options available in the list. Note that you can only select dates that correspond to dates on the timesheet you are editing.

The selected date displays in the Date column.


In the Item column, click the down arrow and select the relevant item from the options available in the list.

The selected item displays in the Item column.


In the Quantity column, type the relevant quantity of the item you are claiming on the corresponding date. Alternatively, click the up or down arrow to increase or decrease the selected quantity.

The selected quantity is displayed in the Quantity column.


In the Rate column, key in the relevant monetary value to be paid or reimbursed per quantity of the item, if applicable.

Note that if N/A is displayed in the Rate column, it indicates that the rate for the item is predefined and therefore you cannot key in a rate. 

If zero is displayed in the Rate column, there is no predefined rate of pay for the item and you must key in the relevant rate or click the up or down arrow to increase or decrease the rate. You will be unable to save the timesheet until you have keyed in or selected a rate value other than the default value (0.000000).


In the Project Code column, click the down arrow and select the relevant project code from the options available in the list that is displayed or key in the relevant project code if applicable.

The selected project code appears in the Project Code column.


If you want to add more manual items to the same timesheet, click Add to add another row and repeat steps 3-7 until you have added each of the relevant manual items.

Otherwise, proceed to step 9.


Click Save near the top of the Timesheet Entry screen to save the timesheet or click Submit to submit the timesheet for approval.

Note that if you add a manual item erroneously you can delete the item from the timesheet by clicking Delete.



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