What if a Submitted Timesheet is Rejected?

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

What if a Submitted Timesheet is Rejected?

A timesheet you submit may be rejected by an approver due to an error or discrepancy with any of the information recorded on the timesheet.

If a timesheet is rejected you may receive an automated rejection notification and the rejection notification may include a message from the approver indicating why the timesheet was rejected. The rejected timesheet will be listed in the Rejected Timesheets screen, which you can access by clicking the Rejected tab in the Time and Attendance workspace.

When a timesheet is rejected you need to edit the timesheet to fix any errors or discrepancies and then resubmit the timesheet for approval. To resubmit a rejected timesheet, follow the procedure below. 


At the top of the Time and Attendance workspace, click the Rejected tab.

The Rejected Timesheets screen opens.


In the list of submitted timesheets, double-click the timesheet to be resubmitted.

The timesheet opens for editing in the Timesheet Entry screen.


Edit the timesheet as required (for more information, see Editing Timesheets).


Click Save near the top of the Timesheet Entry screen.

The changes you made are saved to the timesheet.


Click Save.

A confirmation message is displayed to indicate that the timesheet has been submitted successfully.



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