Load behaviour of Outlook Extensions
Load behaviour of Outlook Extensions
Outlook Extensions Add Ins has become disabled
1. Open Outlook
2. File > Options > Add-Ins
3. If FastTrack Outlook Extensions is listed in the Inactive Application Add-ins click Go...
4. Tick FastTrack Outlook Extensions Add-Ins > OK
5. Close Outlook and Re-open
Registry settings
If you have tried the solution referenced above and the add-ins are still not loading when the application is opened, then it may be due to a registry setting.
This registry setting determines how the add-in is loaded in the application. Follow the steps outlined in the solution below to change the registry setting.
- Open your registry editor. To do this, open your Windows Start menu and type "regedit".
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Office > Outlook > Addins > FastTrack.OutlookAddIn. Note what the LoadBehavior is set to. It will be a number like 0 or 1 or 3.
- Right click LoadBehavior > Modify
4. Enter Value Data = 3
5. Click OK
5. Close Outlook and reopen