FastTrack360 - Silverlight replacement
As a FastTrack customer you’ll know that the recruitment management and timesheet functions currently use HTML, and only the Middle and Back-office functions of FastTrack360 require Silverlight. Replacing Silverlight is a major 2021 objective for the FastTrack business, as such it commands attention at Senior Leadership and Board level. Our Engineering team continue their hard work on a new HTML user interface and are making good progress. In addition, we are currently developing the change management plan to help you and your team get the most out of the new interface. As this plan gets closer to commercial release we’ll share more information.
You may have seen a recent announcement from Microsoft about their plans to retire Internet Explorer desktop application on 15 June, 2022 for certain versions of Windows 10. Because Internet Explorer 11 is part of the Windows Operating System, it will remain active and follow Microsoft’s Lifecycle Policy. Depending on the type of license your organisation has with Microsoft and support arrangements in place, the retirement date can vary. The earliest, and most likely date for most customers, is currently nominated as 15 June 2022. If you’re interested Microsoft updated their page … Lifecycle FAQ - Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge
Our recommendation continues that all Front-Office users use Google Chrome as a preferred browser for speed and performance. While only those people accessing the Middle and Back Office functions need use Internet Explorer. If you prefer to minimise the number of people using Internet Explorer 11 then you could consider adding your FastTrack360 URL as a “Trusted” site in the Security Zone settings of Internet Explorer 11. For a good implementation reference, please refer to this page from Microsoft …Change security and privacy settings for Internet Explorer 11 - Microsoft Support . In addition, recent news indicates that Microsoft Edge incorporates a new Internet Explorer mode to run Silverlight which will provide backward compatibility for Internet Explorer through to 2029. You can read about it here …
The exact date when the new HTML interface will be completed has not been finalised, however we’re targeting late 2021 for commencement of the Beta programme. We estimate the commercial release process running from February to May 2022. Once completed you’ll be able to manage all your recruit, time, pay and bill processes in HTML using a modern, secure and supported browser. Throughout the year we will provide more information about this important topic, and when your environment is likely to be upgraded.