FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Managing Notifications
The Notification Maintenance screen within the Time and Attendance Maintenance area allows you to manage any existing notifications. From this screen you can do any of the following:
list all existing notifications or search for specific notifications
open existing notifications for editing
delete obsolete notifications.
Each of these processes are described below.
Listing and Finding Existing Notifications
The Notification Maintenance screen within the Time and Attendance Maintenance area allows you to list all notifications that currently exist as well as allowing you to search for specific existing notifications.
To list all existing notifications, follow the procedure below.
1. | In Recruitment Manager > Maintenance > Time & Attendance, click Notifications. The Notifications Maintenance screen opens.. |
2. | In the Search Notifications section of the screen, enter in the criteria required to find Notifications. |
3. | Click Search. The results display in the Notifications list. |
To find specific notifications, follow the same procedure as described above but before performing step 3, key in or select as much information about the notification(s) as you know in the fields within the Search section of the screen. After you click Search Notifications, the Notification Maintenance screen will list only those notifications that match the search criteria you specified. Note that if no existing notifications match the criteria you specify, the list will be empty.
Editing an Existing Notification
Any attributes of an existing notification can be edited whenever required. For example, you can change the notification name, change the active/inactive status of the notification, change the notification type, delay and reoccurrence frequencies, delivery methods and templates used for each delivery method.
To edit an existing notification, follow the procedure below.
1. | In Recruitment Manager > Maintenance > Time & Attendance, click Notifications. The Notifications Maintenance screen opens. |
2. | In the Search Notifications section of the screen, enter in the criteria required to find Notifications. |
3. | Click Search. The results display in the Notifications list. |
4. | In the Notifications list, click Action next to the Notification item you want to edit. The Action drop down menu displays. |
5. | Click Edit. The Edit Notification screen displays. |
6. | Edit any of the information keyed in or selected within the Modification Entry screen as required. |
7. | Click Save. A confirmation message is displayed indicating that the notification has been saved. |
Deleting Existing Notifications
Any notification that is not used can be deleted from the system if no longer required. To delete an existing notification, follow the procedure below.
1. | In Recruitment Manager > Maintenance > Time & Attendance, click Notifications. The Notifications Maintenance screen opens. |
2. | In the Search Notifications section of the screen, enter in the criteria required to find Notifications. |
3. | Click Search. The results display in the Notifications list. |
4. | In the Notifications list, click Action next to the Notification item you want to edit. The Action drop down menu displays. |
5. | Click Delete. The Delete Notification screen displays. |
6. | Click Delete. The Notification is Deleted. |
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