FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Removal of Include Prior Periods Pay Group Option V12.30
Previously, an Include Prior Periods Timesheets in Open Period field was available on the Payroll > Maintenance > Pay Group > Pay Group Entry screen as an interim feature to allow late contractor timesheets to be paid in the current (open) pay period without the need to process separate adjustment pay batches for each prior period to which the adjustment timesheets correspond. This is highlighted in the example below.
In this release, the Include Prior Periods Timesheets in Open Period field has been removed from the Pay Group Entry screen because that option has been made redundant by the introduction of Multi-period Payroll (MPP) functionality.
This change compliments the introduction of MPP functionality. Under MPP functionality, normal pay batches will include any unprocessed transactions that belong to any prior pay periods by default and, therefore, a separate option to enable inclusion of late timesheets in pay batches is no longer required.
No configuration required.
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