Changes to Adjustment Pay Batches V12.30

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Changes to Adjustment Pay Batches V12.30


The introduction of Multi-period Payroll (MPP) functionality in this release means that in most cases it is no longer necessary to process adjustment batches for prior, closed pay periods. Adjustment pay batches are now only required to process the following:

  • balancing payments

  • earlier tax year to date adjustments.

As such, when an adjustment pay batch is created, the pay batch stages that are available are limited to those that are specifically required for processing balancing payments or earlier tax year to date adjustments.

In a future release alternative methods will be provided whereby the abovementioned processes can be carried out without the need to process a separate adjustment pay batch and therefore the concept of an adjustment pay batch will be removed entirely.

Creating an Adjustment Pay Batch

When you attempt to create an adjustment pay batch, it is now mandatory to select the Balancing Payment option or the Include Payees with Earlier Tax Year to Date Adjustments Only, as highlighted in the example below.

Balancing Payments Adjustment Batches

When an adjustment pay batch is created and the Balancing Payments option is selected, specific pay batch stages that are specific to allowing leave accrual balances to be adjusted.

The table below lists the pay batch stages that are available and what actions can be carried out at each of the stages.

Pay Batch Stage


Pay Batch Stage


Manual Items

  • Add payees into the pay batch (for more information, see Adding Payees into the Pay Batch).

  • Drill-down into a payee’s pay details and view, edit or delete pay items belonging to the payee in the pay batch.

The ability to add manual pay items into the pay batch is not available.

Leave Accrual

Adjust payees' leave accruals.


Review what has been processed in the pay batch and close the pay batch.

All other pay batch stages are not included in the pay batch and are therefore not processed. For example, the Gross Deductions stage is omitted and therefore no gross deductions are deducted from payees' earnings in the pay batch.

Adding Payees into the Pay Batch

At the Manual Items stage, you search for and add payees into the adjustment pay batch depending on the payee’s who require their leave accruals adjusted.

To add payees into the batch, click the Add Payees button at the top of the payee list on the Pay Batch Wizard screen, as highlighted in the example below.

On clicking the Add Payees button, the Select Payees screen is displayed, as shown below.

You can use the Select Payee screen to search for the relevant payee by their payee number, candidate number, first name and/or surname. Once you have keyed the relevant search criteria, click Search to populate the results list with payees that match the search criteria. Alternatively, just click search to list all payees who belong to the pay group of the pay batch and are not included in the pay batch yet.

To add a payee who is listed in the results list to the pay batch, click the radio button at the start of the row where the payee is listed. The Select Payee screen will close and the payee will be added to the pay batch.

Payees can only be added to the batch on a one-by-one basis.

Earlier Tax Year To Date Adjustment Batches

When an adjustment pay batch is created and the Include Payees with Earlier Tax Year to Date Adjustments Only option is selected, only the Review pay batch stage is available so that the pay batch can be reviewed and closed. The purpose of that is to generate a Full Payment Submission (FPS) submission that can be sent to the HMRC to update the year-to-date figures that have been previously reported for a prior tax year due to pay adjustments.

The relevant payees are automatically determined and included in the adjustment batch so there is no need to manually add payees into the adjustment batch. Except for the Review stage, other pay batch stages are not included in the pay batch and are therefore not processed.


This enhancement compliments the introduction of MPP functionality in this release by continuing to provide a way to process balancing payments and earlier tax year to date adjustments without the need to process a full adjustment pay batch through all of the pay batch stages that would otherwise be required previously in an adjustment pay batch.


No configuration required.

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