Invoice Delivery Enhancements to Support eInvoicing

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Invoice Delivery Enhancements to Support eInvoicing


To facilitate the delivery of invoices via eInvoicing, the following enhancements have been made to the Billing > Manage Delivery screen:

  • the Delivery Method field in the Search section of the screen now includes an eInvoicing option so that you can search for closed invoices where the applicable set of debtor invoice details specify eInvoicing as the required invoice delivery method (for more information, see Debtor Delivery Details Enhancements)

  • the Delivery Method column in the Results section of the screen now displays eInvoicing where that is the applicable delivery method for the listed invoice

  • a Deliver as eInvoice button has been added to allow delivery of invoices that have a delivery method of eInvoicing (for more information, see Delivering eInvoices below).

These changes are highlighted in the example below.

Delivering eInvoices

eInvoices can be delivered by ticking the checkbox next to the relevant invoice or invoices, which are to be delivered, in the Results section of the Manage Deliver screen and clicking the Deliver as eInvoice button.

The Deliver as eInvoice button is enabled only if all the following conditions apply to the selected invoices:

  • The delivery method, as shown in the Delivery Method column of the list in the Results section of the screen, is eInvoicing (note that this is determined by the set of invoice delivery details that apply based on the Billing Company/Debtor combination. For more information, see Debtor Delivery Details Enhancements).

  • The eInvoicing Status is not Submitted or Completed (for more information, see eInvoicing Status).


On clicking the Deliver as eInvoice button, the following occurs:

  • The Delivered flag for each selected invoice is set to Yes to indicate that delivery of the invoice has been actioned in FastTrack360. Note that this indicates that a user has performed an action to deliver the invoice from FastTrack360. However, a separate eInvoicing status is tracked to determine if the delivery was successful (for more information, see eInvoicing Status).

  • An entry is written to the Invoice Log to record the fact that a user actioned the delivery of the invoice from FastTrack360 (for more information, see Invoice Log Enhancements).

  • the eInvoicing Status is initially set to Submitted to indicate that the invoice has been sent and FastTrack360 is waiting for a response to determine if delivery has been successful (for more information, see eInvoicing Status).

An invoice can only be delivered as an eInvoice if the Billing Company that issues the invoice is registered for eInvoicing.

If a Billing Company to which an invoice is linked is not registered for eInvoicing, an error message is displayed to indicate that and the invoice number(s) of the invoices that could not be delivered. If that occurs, the Delivered flag for the affected invoices will remain set to No and the relevant Billing Company must be registered for eInvoicing before reattempting the delivery. For more information, see Billing Company eInvoicing Registration.

It is not possible to deliver the same invoice across the PEPPOL network multiple times. Therefore, once an eInvoice has been delivered successfully (the eInvoicing Status is Completed) it cannot be redelivered. However, it is still possible to print or send the invoice via ad-hoc email.

Invoices/credit notes that had already been created by a billing company prior to the billing company becoming eInvoicing enabled should not be delivered via eInvoicing. That is because some data that is required for eInvoicing may not be available for such invoices and therefore delivery may fail.


These enhancements facilitate the ability to deliver invoices to debtors via eInvoicing.


Before invoices can be delivered via eInvoicing, the following configuration must be completed in FasTrack360:


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