FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Debtor eInvoicing Delivery Enhancements
Further changes have been made to this functionality in v12.20P2. For more information, see Order Reference Options for eInvoicing - V12.20P2
An enhancement has been made to the invoice delivery details on Debtor records to support a new invoice delivery method of eInvoicing.
An eInvoicing option is now available for selection from the Delivery Method field on the Billing > Debtor > Debtor Entry > Invoice Details > Delivery Details screen. When the new eInvoicing option is selected, a secondary field labelled Buyer Reference is enabled and is mandatory, as shown in the example below.
When an invoice or credit note is delivered to a debtor via eInvoicing, it is mandatory to send a purchase order (PO) number or a buyer reference at the invoice header level. When an invoice is generated in FastTrack360, each invoice item could be assigned to a different PO number. Because of that it is not necessarily possible to populate a single purchase order number at the invoice header level. Therefore, a generic buyer reference is required to be captured in the debtor delivery details so that the buyer reference can be provided at the invoice header level instead of a PO number.
The buyer reference can be set to any text string that can be used by the debtor to identify the who has issued an invoice or credit note that has been delivered to the debtor.
This enhancement facilitates delivery of invoices and credit notes through eInvoicing by allowing a debtor’s invoice delivery details to be configured to indicate that the debtor wishes to be invoiced via eInvoicing.
Before you configure a debtor to receive invoices via eInvoicing, please be aware of the following:
A debtor can only receive eInvoices if the debtor is assigned to the country of Australia or New Zealand.
Ensure that you check with the debtor that the debtor is capable of receiving eInvoices.
Some fields that are normally optional on the Debtor record become mandatory when eInvoicing is set as the delivery method for any set of Invoice Details for the debtor and therefore you must ensure that you have provided a value in those fields otherwise you will be unable to save the Debtor record. The fields are:
all of the following fields under Billing > Debtor > Debtor Entry > Contact Details:
Address 1
State (only applicable if Country is set to Australia)
Post Code
the Taxation No. field under Billing > Debtor > Debtor Entry > Billing Details > Taxation Details.
To set eInvoicing as the required invoice delivery method on a set of debtor invoice delivery details, follow the procedure below.
Step | Action |
1. | Go to Billing > Debtor. The Debtor Maintenance screen is displayed. |
2. | In the Search section at the top of the screen, key in or select information about the relevant debtor and click Search. Existing Debtor records that meet you search criteria are listed in the Results section of the screen. |
3. | In the Results section of the screen, locate the relevant debtor and click Edit next to the row in the results list where the debtor is listed. The Debtor Entry screen opens. | |
4. | In the Debtor Details section of the screen, click Invoice Details. The Invoice Details tab is displayed and lists the sets of invoice details that have been defined for different billing companies that can issue invoices to the debtor as well as a default set of invoice details. |
5. | Next to the set of invoice details for which you want to set the delivery method, click Edit. The Invoice Details screen is displayed. | |
6. | Click the Delivery Details tab. The Delivery Details tab is displayed. |
7. | In the Delivery Method field, select eInvoicing. The Buyer Reference field is enabled. |
8. | In the Buyer Reference field, key text that will help the debtor identify who is sending an invoice or credit note. |
9. | Click OK. The Invoice Details screen closes. |
10. | If not already defined, click the Contact Details tab and ensure the debtor’s complete address details have been defined. All debtor address fields except for Address Line 2 are mandatory if the eInvoicing delivery method has been selected. |
11. | If not already defined, click the Billing Details tab and ensure that a taxation (GST) number has been keyed in the |
12. | At the top of the Debtor Entry screen, click Save. The updates you have made to the Debtor record are saved. |
If you update the default set of invoice details, at Step 9 you will be prompted to bulk update the change in delivery method to all other sets of invoice details that are already defined on the Debtor record.
Click Yes on the confirmation message if you want to set eInvoicing as the invoice delivery method for all sets of invoice details. Otherwise, click No if the change is to apply to the default set of invoice details only.
For more information about debtor invoice details and invoice delivery methods, see Managing Debtors.
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