FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Debtor Export File Format
The table below describes the standard debtor export file format.
The file naming convention for debtor files will be DEBTORS_<batch ID><ddmmyyyy><hhmmss>.CSV (e.g. DEBTORS_000001_2511201 4_152758.CSV).
Field Name | Description | Field Length | Field Type |
Export Batch ID | Auto-generated ID that uniquely identifies the export batch in which the file was generated. |
| Integer |
Export Date | Date on which the export batch was processed. |
| Date/Time |
Posting Date | Date that identifies the financial reporting period to which the export corresponds, as specified when the export batch was created. |
| Date/Time |
Export Status | Is one of the following depending on the status of the export batch in which the export file was generated:
| 1 | Integer |
Debtor Code | ID that uniquely identifies the debtor within the FastTrack360 system, as defined on the header of the Debtor record. | 9 | Integer |
Debtor Name | Name of the debtor as defined on the header of the Debtor record. | 100 | Variable Character |
Corporate Identity Number | ID that uniquely identifies the debtor company as a legal entity, as defined on the header of the Debtor record. | 40 | Variable Character |
Taxation Number | The taxation number under which the debtor is registered for collection of Goods and Services/Value Added Tax or similar, as defined on the Billing Details section of the Debtor record. | 40 | Variable Character |
Customer Type | Identifies the type of customer the debtor is linked to in the FastTrack360 system, as defined in the header of the Debtor record. This is one of the following:
| 10 | Variable Character |
Customer Name | Name of the customer to which the debtor is linked to in the FastTrack360 system, as defined in the header of the Debtor record. | 50 | Variable Character |
Customer ID | ID that uniquely identifies the customer to which the debtor is linked within the FastTrack360 system, as defined on the header of the Debtor record. | 9 | Variable Character |
Billing Contact Name | Name of the debtor staff who acts as the bill to contact, as defined on the default set of Invoice Details on the Debtor record. Is exported to the file in the format <first name> <surname>. | 50 | Variable Character |
Billing Contact BH Phone | Business hours telephone number of the debtor staff identified in the Billing Contact Name field, as defined on the corresponding Client Contact record in Recruitment Manager. | 25 | Variable Character |
Billing Contact Mobile | Mobile telephone number of the debtor staff identified in the Billing Contact Name field, as defined on the corresponding Client Contact record in Recruitment Manager. | 25 | Variable Character |
Billing Contact Email | Email address of the debtor staff identified in the Billing Contact Name field, as defined on the corresponding Client Contact record in Recruitment Manager. | 255 | Variable Character |
Billing Address 1 | Address line 1 of the debtor's billing address, as defined on the Contact Details section of the Debtor record. | 100 | Variable Character |
Billing Address 2 | Address line 2 of the debtor's billing address, as defined on the Contact Details section of the Debtor record. | 100 | Variable Character |
Billing Suburb | Suburb/city/town in which debtor's billing address is located, as defined on the Contact Details section of the Debtor record. | 40 | Variable Character |
Billing State | State/territory/province in which the debtor's billing address is located, as defined on the Contact Details section of the Debtor record. | 40 | Variable Character |
Billing Postcode | Postcode/zip code in which the debtor's billing address is located, as defined on the Contact Details section of the Debtor record. | 20 | Variable Character |
Billing Country | Country in which the debtor's billing address is located, as defined on the Contact Details section of the Debtor record. | 100 | Variable Character |
Language | Identifies the language that applies to the debtor, as derived from the debtor's billing country. | 100 | Variable Character |
Currency Code | ISO code that identifies the currency type that applies to the debtor's billing country. | 3 | Variable Character |
Credit Limit Amount | Credit limit that applies to the debtor, as specified on the Billing Details section of the Debtor record. | 18 | Numeric |
Delivery Method | Delivery method by which the debtor prefers to receive invoices, as defined on the Delivery Details section of the default Invoice Details on the Debtor record. | 10 | Variable Character |
Debtor Status | Identifies the status of the Debtor record in the FastTrack360 system. This is set to one of the following:
| 1 | Integer |
Debtor Export Code | Unique code that maps the Debtor record in the FastTrack360 system to the corresponding record in a 3rd party system for the purposes of exporting the debtor information. | 50 | Variable Character |
Debtor Import Code | Unique code that maps the corresponding record in a 3rd party system to a Debtor record in the Fa stTrack360 system for the purposes of importing the debtor information. | 50 | Variable Character |
Country | Identifies the country to which the Debtor record is linked, as defined on the header of the Debtor record. | 100 | Variable Character |
GST Exempt | Identifies if the debtor is exempt from Goods and Services/Value Added Tax or an equivalent tax. | 1 | Integer |
Invoice Terms | Default invoice payment terms for timesheet-based invoices that are issued to the debtor, as defined on the Invoice Details section of the Debtor record. | 50 | Variable Character |
Invoice Message | Default invoice message that is printed on timesheet-based invoices that are issued to the debtor, as defined on the Invoice Details section of the Debtor record. | 50 | Variable Character |
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