Export File Columns

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Export File Columns

The columns of information that are included in the export files depending on the type of rates that are exported are described below.

Most of the columns in the export files are included as information only to allow you to identify the rate to which each row in the files corresponds while other columns contain data that is used by FastTrack360 to match the rates in the file to existing rates in the system when an updated file is imported into FastTrack360 to bulk update rates. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not edit the values in any columns except those where it is explicitly stated below that a value can or must be keyed because doing so will either have no effect on updating rates or will result in errors when attempting to import the updated rates.

Columns that can or must have a value entered are prefixed with an asterisks *.

Pay Agreement & Job Order Pay Agreement Rates Export






Displays a value of 1 to indicate that the file contains pay agreement rates or 7 to indicate that the file contains job order pay agreement rates.

This is used by the system to determine the type of rates that are being updated when the file is imported into FastTrack360.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies the office code and office name of the agency office to which pay agreement rates are assigned.

This column is only included in the file if the export type is 7.


Identifies the nine-digit ID that uniquely identifies the client who owns the job order to which pay agreement rates are assigned.

This column is only included in the file if the export type is 7.


Identifies the name of the client who owns the job order to which pay agreement rates are assigned.

This column is only included in the file if the export type is 7.


Identifies the nine-digit ID that uniquely identifies the parent client who is linked to the job order to which the pay agreement rates are assigned.

This column is only included in the file if the export type is 7.


Identifies the name of the parent client who is linked to the job order to which pay agreement rates are assigned.

This column is only included in the file if the export type is 7.


Identifies the nine-digit ID that uniquely identifies the job order to which pay agreement rates are assigned.

This column is only included in the file if the export type is 7.


Identifies the name of the pay agreement.


Identifies the country of the pay agreement.


Identifies the date on which the pay agreement becomes valid.


Identifies the date on which the pay agreement ceases to be valid.


Identifies the name of the pay rate rule.


Identifies the end date of the last timesheet that has been processed against the corresponding pay agreement.

Note that this is accurate as of the time when the export file is created. If more timesheets are processed after the file is exported, the actual last timesheet end date for the corresponding pay agreement could be later than what is shown in this column.


Identifies the date on which the pay rate rule became effective.


Identifies the date on which the pay rate rule ceases to be effective. Alternatively, this column is blank if the corresponding pay rate rule is effective indefinitely.

Note that rates belonging to a rate rule that is already end-dated cannot be updated via Bulk Rate Update. Such rows will be written to the exception file when you import the updated file to bulk update rates (for more information, see Validation Errors & Exceptions).


Identifies the rate hierarchy level of the exported pay rate rule.

For example, a value of State indicates the corresponding pay rate rule is defined at the state level of the agreement hierarchy.


Identifies the rate hierarchy value of the exported pay rate rule.

For example, a value of Victoria indicates the corresponding pay rate rule is defined at the state level of the agreement hierarchy and applies specifically to the state of Victoria.


Identifies the rate hierarchy group of the exported pay rate rule.


Identifies the name of the pay code that is defined on the exported pay rate rule.


ID that is used by FastTrack360 to uniquely identify the pay rate rule to which each row in the export file corresponds.

This is used to match each row in the file to an existing pay agreement and pay rate rule when the file is imported into FastTrack360 to bulk update rates.

Do not edit or delete this column.


ID that is used by FastTrack360 to uniquely identify the sub-rate on a pay rate rule to which each row in the export file corresponds.

This is used to match each row in the file to an existing sub-rate on a pay rate rule when the file is imported into FastTrack360 to bulk update rates.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies if the exported pay rate rule is flagged as Calculation Only.

This column displays Yes if the corresponding pay rate rule is flagged as Calculation Only, in which case a pay rate description cannot be keyed in the NewRateDescription column.


Identifies if the Top Up Rates option is enabled on the exported pay rate rule, thereby indicating that the pay rate rule tops up the rate specified by another pay rate rule.

This column displays Yes if the exported pay rate rule defines a top up rate, in which case a rate minimum cannot be keyed in the NewRateMinimum field.


Identifies the pay rate type that applies to the exported rate. This is one of the following:

  • Flat Rate

  • Calculation

  • Direct Valuation

  • Payee Rate


Identifies the name of the conditional variable that applies to the exported rate.


Identifies the conditional variable value that applies to the exported rate.


If the rate type of the exported rate is Calculation, this column identifies the name of the pay code based on which the final rate is calculated.


If the rate type of the exported rate is Calculation, this column identifies the mathematical operation that results in the final rate. This is one of the following:

  • Plus

  • Minus

  • Multiple

  • Percent

  • Divide


Identifies the rate value of the exported rate for the exported validity period. Alternatively, if the exported rate has a rate type of Calculation, this value represents the pay value and not the final rate.

This column is blank if the corresponding sub-rate has a rate type of Direct Valuation or Payee Rate.


Identifies the absolute minimum value to which the rate value can be edited on a job order without breaching the minimum rate allowable by the award or industrial instrument to which the corresponding pay agreement corresponds. This column is blank if the Rate Minimum Value field on the corresponding agreement pay rate rule does not contain a value.


Identifies the rate description for the exported rate, if defined.


Identifies the date on which the rate update is to become effective.

You must key a date in this column for each row in the file before the file can be imported into FastTrack360 to bulk update rates.

Note that the following conditions apply to the date that you key in this column:

  • it must be defined in the format dd/mm/yyy (e.g. 01/01/2018)

  • it must fall after the current validity start date of the corresponding pay rate rule, as shown in the ValidityStartDate column

  • it must fall after the current validity end date of the corresponding pay rate rule, if defined, as shown in the ValidityEndDate column

  • it must fall after the last timesheet end date for the corresponding pay agreement, as shown in the LastTimesheetEndDate column

  • it must be the same date as the date specified in the NewValidityStartDate column for all other sub-rates in the file that belong to the same pay rate rule.


Identifies the pay rate that will apply for the new validity period. Alternatively, if the exported rate has a rate type of Calculation, this defines the pay value for the new validity period.

This defaults to the current pay rate, unless the corresponding rate type is Direct Valuation or Payee Rate, in which case this column is blank by default.

If this column is defaulted to the current pay rate, you can leave the default value as is, if the rate is to remain unchanged for the new rate validity period, or you can update the rate as necessary (rate value must be a decimal with a maximum of 6 decimal places). However, a value must exist in this column before you can import the file into FastTrack360. An error will occur if you attempt to import the file into FastTrack360 if this column is blank for any row in the file where the rate type is not Direct Valuation or Payee Rate.

If this column is blank by default, which indicates that the pay rate type of the corresponding sub-rate is Direct Valuation or Payee Rate, this column must remain blank.


Identifies the rate minimum that will apply for the new validity period.

If a sub-rate has a rate minimum value for the exported validity period, this field will default to the existing rate minimum value. However, this can be updated or deleted if necessary (must be a decimal with a maximum of 6 decimal places).

If a sub-rate does not have a rate minimum for the exported period, a rate minimum value can be keyed in this column to apply a rate minimum value for the new validity period except where the IsTopUpRate column is set to Yes, in which case this column must remain blank because a rate minimum cannot be defined for top-up rates.


Identifies the pay rate description that will apply for the new validity period.

If a sub-rate has a pay rate description for the exported validity period, this field will default to the existing pay rate description. However, this can be updated or deleted if necessary.

The new rate description can be a maximum of 60 characters.

This column must remain blank for all rows in the import file that correspond to a Calculation Only pay rate rule (i.e. where the IsCalculationOnly column displays a value of Yes).

Template Pay Agreement Rates Export




Displays a value of 2 to indicate that the file contains template pay agreement rates.

This is used by the system to determine the type of rates that are being updated when the file is imported into FastTrack360.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Unique ID that identifies the template that is the source of the exported rates.

This is used by the system to identify the correct target template when the file is imported into FastTrack 360.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies the name of the job template to which the pay agreement is assigned.


Identifies the type or job template to which the pay agreement is assigned. This displays one of the following:

  • Country

  • Office

  • Parent Client

  • Client

  • Cost Centre


If the template type is Office, this column identifies the office code of the agency office to which the template corresponds.

If the template type is Parent Client, Client or Cost Centre, this column identifies the 9-digit ID that uniquely identifies the parent client, client or cost centre entity to which the template corresponds.

If the template type is Country, this column is blank (refer to EntityName column to identify the country name).


Identifies the name of the country, office, parent client, client or cost centre to which the template corresponds.


Identifies the job position to which the template corresponds, as defined in the Position field on the template.


Identifies the job position to which the template corresponds, as defined in the Client Position field on the template.


Unique ID that identifies the agreement that is the source of the exported rates.

This is used by the system to identify the correct target agreement when the file is imported into FastTrack360.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies the name of the pay agreement.


Identifies the country to which the pay agreement belongs.


Identifies the date on which the pay agreement becomes valid.


Identifies the date on which the pay agreement ceases to be valid.


Identifies the status of the template. This is one of the following:

  • Active

  • Inactive


Identifies the name of the exported pay rate rule.


Identifies the end date of the last timesheet that has been processed against the corresponding pay agreement.
Note that this is accurate as of the time when the export file is created. If more timesheets are processed after the file is exported, the actual last timesheet end date for the corresponding pay agreement could be later than what is shown in this column.


Identifies the date on which the exported pay rate rule becomes effective.


Identifies the date on which the exported pay rate rule ceases to be effective. Alternatively, this column is blank if the corresponding pay rate rule is effective indefinitely.

Note that rates belonging to a rate rule that is already end-dated cannot be updated via Bulk Rate Update. Such rows will be written to the exception file when you import the updated file to bulk update rates (for more information, see Validation Errors & Exceptions).


Identifies the rate hierarchy level of the exported pay rate rule.

For example, a value of State indicates the corresponding pay rate rule is defined at the state level of the agreement hierarchy.


Identifies the rate hierarchy value of the exported pay rate rule.

For example, a value of Victoria indicates the corresponding pay rate rule is defined at the state level of the agreement hierarchy and applies specifically to the state of Victoria.


Identifies the rate hierarchy group of the exported pay rate rule.


Identifies the name of the pay code that is defined on the exported pay rate rule.


ID that is used by FastTrack360 to uniquely identify the pay rate rule to which each row in the export file corresponds.

This is used to match each row in the file to an existing pay agreement and pay rate rule when the file is imported into FastTrack360 to bulk update rates.

Do not edit or delete this column.


ID that is used by FastTrack360 to uniquely identify the sub-rate on a pay rate rule to which each row in the export file corresponds.

This is used to match each row in the file to an existing sub-rate on a pay rate rule when the file is imported into FastTrack360 to bulk update rates.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies if the exported pay rate rule is flagged as Calculation Only.

This column displays Yes if the corresponding pay rate rule is flagged as Calculation Only, in which case a pay rate description cannot be keyed in the NewRateDescription column.


Identifies if the Top Up Rates option is enabled on the exported pay rate rule, thereby indicating that the pay rate rule tops up the rate specified by another pay rate rule.
This column displays Yes if the exported pay rate rule defines a top up rate, in which case a rate minimum cannot be keyed in the NewRateMinimum field.


Identifies the pay rate type of the exported rate. This will be one of the following:

  • Flat Rate

  • Calculation

  • Direct Valuation

  • Payee Rate


Identifies the name of the conditional variable that applies to the exported rate.


Identifies the conditional variable value that applies to the exported rate.


If the listed rate has a rate type of Calculation, this column identifies the name of the pay code based on which the final rate is calculated.


Identifies the rate value of the exported pay rate for the exported validity period. Alternatively, if the exported rate has a rate type of Calculation, this value represents the pay value and not the final rate.

This column is blank if the corresponding sub-rate has a rate type of Direct Valuation or Payee Rate.


Identifies the absolute minimum value to which the rate value can be edited on a job order without breaching the minimum rate allowable by the award or industrial instrument to which the corresponding pay agreement corresponds. This column is blank if the Rate Minimum Value field on the corresponding agreement pay rate rule does not contain a value.


Identifies the rate description for the exported rate, if defined.


Identifies the date on which the rate update is to become effective.

You must key a date in this column for each row in the file before the file can be imported into FastTrack360 to bulk update rates.

Note that the following conditions apply to the date that you key in this column:

  • it must be defined in the format dd/mm/yyy (e.g. 01/01/2018)

  • it must fall after the current validity start date of the corresponding pay rate rule, as shown in the ValidityStartDate column

  • it must fall after the current validity end date of the corresponding pay rate rule, if defined, as shown in the ValidityEndDate column

  • it must be the same date as the date specified in the NewValidityStartDate column for all other sub-rates in the file that belong to the same pay rate rule.


Identifies the pay rate that will apply for the new validity period. Alternatively, if the exported rate has a rate type of Calculation, this defines the pay value for the new validity period.

This defaults to the current pay rate, unless the corresponding rate type is Direct Valuation or Payee Rate, in which case this column is blank by default.

If this column is defaulted to the current pay rate, you can leave the default value as is, if the rate is to remain unchanged for the new rate validity period, or you can update the rate as necessary (rate value must be a decimal with a maximum of 6 decimal places). However, a value must exist in this column before you can import the file into FastTrack360. An error will occur if you attempt to import the file into FastTrack360 if this column is blank for any row in the file where the rate type is not Direct Valuation or Payee Rate.

If this column is blank by default, which indicates that the pay rate type of the corresponding sub-rate is Direct Valuation or Payee Rate, this column must remain blank.


Identifies the rate minimum that will apply for the new validity period.
If a sub-rate has a rate minimum value for the exported validity period, this field will default to the existing rate minimum value. However, this can be updated or deleted if necessary (rate value must be a decimal with a maximum of 6 decimal places).
If a sub-rate does not have a rate minimum for the exported period, a rate minimum value can be keyed in this column to apply a rate minimum value for the new validity period except where the IsTopUpRate column is set to Yes, in which case this column must remain blank because a rate minimum cannot be defined for top-up rates.


Identifies the pay rate description that will apply to the exported rate for the new validity period.

If a sub-rate has a pay rate description for the exported validity period, this field will default to the existing pay rate description. However, this can be updated or deleted if necessary.

The new rate description can be a maximum of 60 characters.

This column must remain blank for all rows in the import file that correspond to a Calculation Only pay rate rule (i.e. where the IsCalculationOnly column displays a value of Yes).

Bill Agreement & Job Order Bill Agreement Rates Export




Displays a value of 3 to indicate that the file contains bill agreement rates or 8 to indicate that the file contains job order bill agreement rates.

This is used by the system to determine the type of rates that are being updated when the file is imported into FastTrack360.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies the office code and office name of the agency office to which pay agreement rates are assigned.

This column is only included in the file if the export type is 8.


Identifies the nine-digit ID that uniquely identifies the client who owns the job order to which bill agreement rates are assigned.

This column is only included in the file if the export type is 8.


Identifies the name of the client who owns the job order to which bill agreement rates are assigned.

This column is only included in the file if the export type is 8.


Identifies the nine-digit ID that uniquely identifies the parent client who is linked to the job order to which pay agreement rates are assigned.

This column is only included in the file if the export type is 8.


Identifies the name of the parent client who is linked to the job order to which pay agreement rates are assigned.

This column is only included in the file if the export type is 8.


Identifies the nine-digit ID that uniquely identifies the job order to which pay agreement rates are assigned.

This column is only included in the file if the export type is 8.


Identifies the name of the bill agreement.


Identifies the country to which the bill agreement belongs.


Identifies the date on which the bill agreement becomes effective.


Identifies the date on which the bill agreement ceases to be effective.


Identifies the name of the exported bill rate rule.


Identifies the end date of the last timesheet that has been processed against the bill agreement.

Note that this is accurate as of the time when the export file is created. If more timesheets are processed after the file is exported, the actual last timesheet end date for the corresponding bill agreement could be later than what is shown in this column.


Identifies the date on which the exported bill rate rule became effective.


Identifies the date on which the exported bill rate rule ceases to be effective. Alternatively, this column is blank if the corresponding bill rate rule is effective indefinitely.

Note that rates belonging to a rate rule that is already end-dated cannot be updated via Bulk Rate Update. Such rows will be written to the exception file when you import the updated file to bulk update rates (for more information, see Validation Errors & Exceptions).


Identifies the rate hierarchy level of the exported bill rate rule.

For example, a value of State indicates the corresponding bill rate rule is defined at the state level of the agreement hierarchy.


Identifies the rate hierarchy value of the exported bill rate rule.

For example, a value of Victoria indicates the corresponding bill rate rule is defined at the state level of the agreement hierarchy and applies specifically to the state of Victoria.


Identifies the rate hierarchy group of the exported bill rate rule.


Identifies the name of the bill code that is defined on the exported bill rate rule.


ID that is used by FastTrack360 to uniquely identify the bill rate rule to which each row in the export file corresponds.

This is used to match each row in the file to an existing bill agreement and bill rate rule when the file is imported into FastTrack360 to bulk update rates.

Do not edit or delete this column.


ID that is used by FastTrack360 to uniquely identify the sub-rate on a bill rate rule to which each row in the export file corresponds.

This is used to match each row in the file to an existing sub-rate on a bill rate rule when the file is imported into FastTrack360 to bulk update rates.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies the bill rate type that applies to the exported rate. This will be one of the following:

  • Margin Percent

  • Markup Dollar

  • Markup Percent

  • Flat
    Use Other Rate Dollar Margin

  • Calculation

  • Markup Factor

  • Bill Rate Formula


If the margin/markup type of the exported bill rate rule is Bill Rate Formula, this column identifies the ID that is used by FastTrack360 to uniquely identify the bill rate formula that is used to calculate the bill rate.

Do not edit or delete this column.


If the margin/markup type of the exported bill rate rule is Bill Rate Formula, this column identifies the name of the bill rate formula that is used to calculate the bill rate.


Identifies the name of the conditional variable that applies to the exported rate.


Identifies the conditional variable value that applies to the exported rate.


If the listed rate has a rate type of Calculation or Use Other Rate Dollar Margin, this column identifies the name of the pay code based on which the final rate is calculated.


If the listed rate has a rate type of Calculation or Use Other Rate Dollar Margin, this column identifies the mathematical operation that results in the final rate.

This is one of the following:

  • Plus

  • Minus

  • Multiple

  • Percent

  • Divide


Identifies the rate value for the exported validity period.

This column is blank if the corresponding sub-rate has a rate type of Use Other Rate Dollar Margin or Bil l Rate Formula.


Identifies the date on which the rate update is to become effective.

You must key a date in this column for each row in the file before the file can be imported into FastTrack360 to bulk update rates.

Note that the following conditions apply to the date that you key in this column:

  • it must be defined in the format dd/mm/yyy (e.g. 01/01/2018)

  • it must fall after the current validity start date of the corresponding bill rate rule, as shown in the ValidityStartDate column

  • it must fall after the current validity end date of the corresponding bill rate rule, if defined, as shown in the ValidityEndDate column

  • it must fall after the last timesheet end date for the corresponding bill agreement, as shown in the Las tTimesheetEndDate column

  • it must be the same date as the date specified in the NewValidityStartDate column for all other sub-rates in the file that belong to the same bill rate rule.


Identifies the bill rate that will apply to the new validity period.

This defaults to the current bill rate, unless the corresponding rate type is Use Other Rate Dollar Margin or Bill Rate Formula in which case this column is blank by default.

If this column is defaulted to the current bill rate, you can leave the default value as is, if the rate is to remain unchanged for the new rate validity period, or you can update the rate as necessary (rate value must be a decimal with a maximum of 6 decimal places). However, a value must exist in this column before you can import the file into FastTrack360. An error will occur if you attempt to import the file into FastTrack360 if this column is blank for any row in the file where the margin/markup type is not Use Other Rate Dollar Margin or Bill Rate Formula.

If this column is blank by default, which indicates that the bill rate type of the corresponding sub-rate is Us e Other Rate Dollar Margin or Bill Rate Formula, this column must remain blank.


Identifies the name of the bill rate formula that is to be used to calculate the bill rate for the new validity period.

If the corresponding margin/markup type is Bill Rate Formula, this column will default to the current bill rate formula name but you can update this to any valid bill rate formula name. However, a value must exist in this column before you can import the file into FastTrack360. An error will occur if you attempt to import the file into FastTrack360 if this column is blank for any row in the file where the margin/markup type is Bill Rate Formula.

If the corresponding margin/markup type is not Bill Rate Formula, this column must remain blank.

Template Bill Agreement Rates Export




Displays a value of 4 to indicate that the file contains template bill agreement rates.

This is used by the system to determine the type of rates that are being updated when the file is imported into FastTrack360.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies the name of the job template to which the bill agreement is assigned.


Identifies the type or job template to which the pay agreement is assigned. This displays one of the following:

  • Country

  • Office

  • Parent Client

  • Client

  • Cost Centre


If the template type is Office, this column identifies the office code of the agency office to which the template corresponds.

If the template type is Parent Client, Client or Cost Centre, this column identifies the 9-digit ID that uniquely identifies the parent client, client or cost centre entity to which the template corresponds.

If the template type is Country, this column is blank (refer to EntityName column to identify the country name).


Identifies the name of the country, office, parent client, client or cost centre to which the template corresponds.


Identifies the job position to which the template corresponds, as defined in the Position field on the template.


Identifies the job position to which the template corresponds, as defined in the Client Position field on the template.


Displays the ID that uniquely identifies the corresponding bill agreement that is assigned to the job template.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies the name of the bill agreement.


Identifies the country to which the bill agreement belongs.


Identifies the date on which the bill agreement becomes valid.


Identifies the date on which the pay agreement ceases to be valid.


Identifies the status of the template. This is one of the following:

  • Active

  • Inactive


Unique ID that identifies the template that is the source of the exported rates.

This is used by the system to identify the correct target template when the file is imported into FastTrack360.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies the name of the exported bill rate rule.


Identifies the end date of the last timesheet that has been processed against the corresponding bill agreement.

Note that this is accurate as of the time when the export file is created. If more timesheets are processed after the file is exported, the actual last timesheet end date for the corresponding pay agreement could be later than what is shown in this column.


Identifies the date on which the exported bill rate rule became effective.


Identifies the date on which the exported bill rate rule ceases to be effective. Alternatively, this column is blank if the corresponding bill rate rule is effective indefinitely.

Note that rates belonging to a rate rule that is already end-dated cannot be updated via Bulk Rate Update. Such rows will be written to the exception file when you import the updated file to bulk update rates (for more information, see Validation Errors & Exceptions).


Identifies the rate hierarchy level of the exported bill rate rule.

For example, a value of State indicates the corresponding bill rate rule is defined at the state level of the agreement hierarchy.


Identifies the rate hierarchy value of the exported bill rate rule.

For example, a value of Victoria indicates the corresponding bill rate rule is defined at the state level of the agreement hierarchy and applies specifically to the state of Victoria.


Identifies the rate hierarchy group of the exported bill rate rule.


Identifies the name of the bill code that is defined on the exported bill rate rule.


ID that is used by FastTrack360 to uniquely identify the bill rate rule to which each row in the export file corresponds.

This is used to match each row in the file to an existing bill agreement and bill rate rule when the file is imported into FastTrack360 to bulk update rates.
Do not edit or delete this column.


ID that is used by FastTrack360 to uniquely identify the sub-rate on a bill rate rule to which each row in the export file corresponds.

This is used to match each row in the file to an existing sub-rate on a bill rate rule when the file is imported into FastTrack360 to bulk update rates.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies the bill rate type that applies to the exported rate. This will be one of the following:

  • Margin Percent

  • Markup Dollar

  • Markup Percent

  • Flat

  • Use Other Rate Dollar Margin

  • Calculation

  • Markup Factor

  • BillRateFormula


Identifies the name of the conditional variable that applies to the exported rate.


Identifies the conditional variable value that applies to the exported rate.


If the exported bill rate has a margin/markup type of Calculation, this column identifies the name of the pay code based on which the final rate is calculated.


If the exported bill rate has a margin/markup type of Calculation, this column identifies the mathematical operation that results in the final rate. This is one of the following:

  • Plus

  • Minus

  • Multiple

  • Percent

  • Divide


Identifies the rate value of the exported rate.

This column is blank if the corresponding sub-rate has a margin/markup type of Use Other Rate Dollar Margin or Bill Rate Formula.


Identifies the date on which the rate update is to become effective for the exported rate.

You must key a date in this column for each row in the file before the file can be imported into FastTrack360 to bulk update rates.

Note that the following conditions apply to the date that you key in this column:

  • it must be defined in the format dd/mm/yyy (e.g. 01/01/2018)

  • it must fall after the current validity start date of the corresponding bill rate rule, as shown in the ValidityStartDate column

  • it must fall after the current validity end date of the corresponding bill rate rule, if defined, as shown in the ValidityEndDate column

  • it must be the same date as the date specified in the NewValidityStartDate column for all other sub-rates in the file that belong to the same bill rate rule.


Identifies the bill rate that will apply to the exported rate for the new validity period.

This defaults to the current bill rate, unless the corresponding margin/markup type is Use Other Rate Dollar Margin or Bill Rate Formula in which case this column is blank by default.

If this column is defaulted to the current bill rate, you can leave the default value as is, if the rate is to remain unchanged for the new rate validity period, or you can update the rate as necessary (rate value must be a decimal with a maximum of 6 decimal places). However, a value must exist in this column before you can import the file into FastTrack360. An error will occur if you attempt to import the file into FastTrack360 if this column is blank for any row in the file where the margin/markup type is not Use Other Rate Dollar Margin.

If this column is blank by default, which indicates that the bill rate type of the corresponding sub-rate is Use Other Rate Dollar Margin or Bill Rate Formula this column must remain blank. An error will occur if you attempt to import the file into FastTrack360 if a rate value has been specified for such bill items.


Identifies the name of the bill rate formula that is to be used to calculate the bill rate for the new validity period.

If the corresponding margin/markup type is Bill Rate Formula, this column will default to the current bill rate formula name but you can update this to any valid bill rate formula name. However, a value must ex ist in this column before you can import the file into FastTrack360. An error will occur if you attempt to import the file into FastTrack360 if this column is blank for any row in the file where the margin/markup type is Bill Rate Formula.

If the corresponding margin/markup type is not Bill Rate Formula, this column must remain blank.

Standard Rates Export




Displays a value of 5 to indicate that the file contains standard rates.

This is used by the system to determine the type of rates that are being updated when the file is imported into FastTrack360.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies the nine-digit ID that uniquely identifies the job order to which the standard rates are assigned.


Identifies the name of the job position of the job order to which the standard rates are assigned.


Identifies the name of the client job position of the job order to which the standard rates are assigned.


Identifies the office code and office name of the agency office of the job order to which the standard rates are assigned.


Identifies the nine-digit ID that uniquely identifies the client who owns the job order to which the standard rates assigned.


Identifies the name of the client who owns the job order to which the standard rates are assigned.


Identifies the nine-digit ID that uniquely identifies the parent client who is linked to the job order to which the standard rates are assigned.


Identifies the name of the parent client of the client who is linked to the job order to which the standard rates are assigned.


Identifies the rate hierarchy group of the job order to which the standard rates are assigned.


Identifies the end date of the last timesheet that has been processed against the standard rates.

Note that this is accurate as of the time when the export file is created. If more timesheets are processed after the file is exported, the actual last timesheet end date for the corresponding job order could be later than what is shown in this column.


Identifies the date on which the corresponding standard rates set becomes valid.


Identifies the name of a pay code that is defined within the standard rates matrix for the corresponding job order.


Identifies the pay rate of the corresponding pay code for the exported validity period. Alternatively, if the corresponding pay code is flagged as Direct Valuation in the standard rates matrix on the corresponding job order, this column is blank.


Identifies the rate description for the corresponding pay code, if defined.


Identifies the name of a bill code that is defined within the standard rates matrix for the corresponding job order.


Identifies the margin/markup type that applies to the corresponding bill code within the standard rates matrix for the corresponding job order. This is one of the following:

  • Flat

  • Margin %

  • Markup %

  • Markup Factor

  • Markup $

  • Bill Rate Formula


Identifies the FastTrack360 ID that uniquely identifies the bill rate formula that is used to calculate the bill rate, if the bill type is Bill Rate Formula.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies the name of the bill rate formula that is used to calculate the bill rate, if the bill type is Bill Rate Formula.


Identifies the bill value that applies to the corresponding bill code within the standard rates matrix for the corresponding job order.

This is blank if the corresponding bill type is Bill Rate Formula.


Identifies the FastTrack360 ID that uniquely identifies the standard rates header to which the exported rates belong.

This is used by the system to determine to which standard rates header the updated rates belong when the file is imported into FastTrack360.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies the FastTrack360 ID that uniquely matches the pay and bill rates in the standard rates matrix for the corresponding job order.
This is used by the system to determine to which combination of pay and bill rates are to be updated on a job order when the file is imported into FastTrack360.
Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies the FastTrack360 ID that uniquely identifies the pay rate component within the standard rates matrix for the corresponding job order.

This is used by the system to identify the specific pay rate that is to be updated within the standard rates matrix when the file is imported into FastTrack360.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies the FastTrack360 ID that uniquely identifies the bill rate component within the standard rates matrix for the corresponding job order.

This is used by the system to identify the specific pay rate that is to be updated within the standard rates matrix when the file is imported into FastTrack360.

Do not edit or delete this column.


Identifies the date on which the rate update is to become effective.

You must key a date in this column for each row in the file before the file can be imported into FastTrack360 to bulk update rates.

Note that the following conditions apply to the date that you key in this column:

  • it must be defined in the format dd/mm/yyy (e.g. 01/01/2018)

  • it must fall after the current validity start date of the corresponding rate set, as shown in the ValidityStartDate column

  • it must fall after the last timesheet end date for the corresponding job order, as shown in the LastTime sheetEndDate column

  • it must be the same date as the date specified in the NewValidityStartDate column for all rows in the file that belong to the same rate header.


Identifies the pay rate that will apply for the new validity period.

This defaults to the pay rate for the exported period, unless the corresponding rate type is Direct Valuation, in which case this column is blank by default.

If this column is defaulted with a pay rate, you can leave the default value as is if the rate is to remain unchanged for the new rate validity period, or you can update the rate as necessary (rate value must be a decimal with a maximum of 6 decimal places). However, a value must exist in this column before you can import the file into FastTrack360. An error will occur if you attempt to import the file into FastTrack360 if this column is blank for any row in the file where the rate type is not Direct Valuation.

If this column is blank by default, which indicates that the pay rate type of the corresponding rate is Direct Valuation, this column must remain blank.


Identifies the pay rate description that will apply to the corresponding pay code for the new validity period.

If a pay item has a pay rate description for the exported validity period, this field will default to the existing pay rate description. However, this can be updated or deleted if necessary.

The new rate description can be a maximum of 60 characters.


Identifies the bill rate that will apply for the new validity period.

If the corresponding bill type is anything except Bill Rate Formula, this defaults to the bill rate for the exported period. You can leave the default value as is if the rate is to remain unchanged for the new rate validity period, or you can update the rate as necessary (rate value must be a decimal with a maximum of 6 decimal places). However, a value must exist in this column before you can import the file into FastTrack360.

If the corresponding bill type is Bill Rate Formula, this column must remain blank. An error will occur if you attempt to import the file into FastTrack360 if a rate value has been specified for such bill items.


Identifies the name of the bill rate formula that is to be used to calculate the bill rate for the new validity period.

If the corresponding bill type is Bill Rate Formula, this column will default to the current bill rate formula name but you can update this to any valid bill rate formula name. However, a value must exist in this column before you can import the file into FastTrack360. An error will occur if you attempt to import the file into FastTrack360 if this column is blank for any row in the file where the margin/markup type is Bill Rate Formula.

If the corresponding bill type is not Bill Rate Formula, this column must remain blank.

Template Standard Rates Export

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