Unpaid Wages Export File Format

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Unpaid Wages Export File Format

The table below describes the standard unpaid wages export file format.

The file naming convention for unpaid wages export files will be UNPAIDWAGES_<batch ID><ddmmyyyy><hhmmss>.CSV (e.g. UNPAID WAGES_000002_25112014_154825.CSV).

Field Name


Field Length

Field Type

Export Batch ID

Auto-generated ID that uniquely identifies the export batch in which the file was generated.



Export Date

Date on which the export batch was processed.



Posting Date

Date that identifies the financial reporting period to which the export corresponds, as specified when the export batch was created.



Export Status

Is one of the following depending on the status of the export batch in which the export file was generated:

  1. – generated

  2. – regenerated

  3. - deleted.



Pay Batch ID

Pay batch number that uniquely identifies the pay batch in which the transaction, to which this transaction line corresponds, was generated.

This field is blank unless this transaction line represents a reversal transaction (i.e Unpaid Wages Reversal BS or Unpaid Wages Reversal PL).


Pay Period End Date

End date of the pay period to which the pay batch that is identified in the Pay Batch ID field corresponds.

This field is blank unless this transaction line represents a reversal transaction (i.e Unpaid Wages Reversal BS or Unpaid Wages Reversal PL).


Pay Company

Name of the pay company to which this transaction line is linked.

This field is blank unless this transaction line represents a reversal transaction (i.e Unpaid Wages Reversal BS or Unpaid Wages Reversal PL).

Payee First Name

First name of the payee to whom this transaction line corresponds.


Variable Character

Payee Surname

Surname/family name of the payee to whom this transaction line corresponds.


Variable Character

Candidate No.

Candidate number that uniquely identifies the candidate to whom this transaction line corresponds.



Payee No.

Payee number that uniquely identifies the payee to whom this transaction line corresponds.



Job Order No.

Job number that uniquely identifies the job order to which this transaction line corresponds.



Item Type

Identifies the type of transaction this transaction line represents and is set to one of the following:

  • Unpaid Wages BS

  • Unpaid Wages PL

  • Unpaid Wages Reversal BS

  • Unpaid Wages Reversal PL


Variable Character

GL Account Segment 1

Account segment value that is configured in Finance Integration Maintenance for account segment 1.


Variable Character

GL Account Segment 2

Account segment value that is configured in Finance Integration Maintenance for account segment 2.

This field is set to blank if Segment 2 is undefined or there is no corresponding value for the listed item type.


Variable Character

GL Account Segment 3

Account segment value that is configured in Finance Integration Maintenance for account segment 3.

This field is set to blank if Segment 3 is undefined or there is no corresponding value for the listed item type.


Variable Character

GL Account Segment 4

Account segment value that is configured in Finance Integration Maintenance for account segment 4.

This field is set to blank if Segment 4 is undefined or there is no corresponding value for the listed item type.


Variable Character

GL Account Segment 5

Account segment value that is configured in Finance Integration Maintenance for account segment 5.

This field is set to blank if Segment 5 is undefined or there is no corresponding value for the listed item type.


Variable Character

GL Account Segment 6

Account segment value that is configured in Finance Integration Maintenance for account segment 6.

This field is set to blank if Segment 6 is undefined or there is no corresponding value for the listed item type.


Variable Character

GL Account Segment 7

Account segment value that is configured in Finance Integration Maintenance for account segment 7.

This field is set to blank if Segment 7 is undefined or there is no corresponding value for the listed item type.


Variable Character

GL Account Segment 8

Account segment value that is configured in Finance Integration Maintenance for account segment 8.

This field is set to blank if Segment 8 is undefined or there is no corresponding value for the listed item type.


Variable Character

Account Number

The pay company balance sheet or profit/loss unpaid wages account, depending on whether this transaction line corresponds to a BS or PL transaction.
Note that if the transaction is a reversal, the posting account is reversed (i.e. where the transaction is a BS transaction it is posted to the PL account and vice versa).


Variable Character


Identifies if this transaction line represents a credit or debit transaction. This field is set to Debit if any of the following conditions apply:

  • the transaction is a PL transaction & the transaction amount is a positive value

  • the transaction is a BS transaction & the transaction amount is a negative value.

This field is set to Credit if any of the following conditions apply:

  • the transaction is a BS transaction & the transaction amount is a positive value

  • the transaction is a PL transaction & the transaction amount is a negative value.


Variable Character


Monetary amount that applies to this transaction line.




GST amount that applies to this transaction line.





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