How to Create a Pay Agreement Header

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Create a Pay Agreement Header

The first stage in configuring an agreement within Rates and Rules is to create an agreement header that identifies the agreement and groups together all the rules/conditions of the agreement.
To create a new agreement header, follow the procedure below.


Navigate to Rates & Rules > Pay Agreements.

The Pay Agreements screen displays.



Click Add.

The Edit Pay Agreement screen opens and a new agreement header is displayed.


In the Agreement Header section type or select the relevant information about the new agreement header.


Name of the agreement which the header represents. The name must be unique for the hierarchy level/hierarchy value combination.

Textual description of the purpose of the agreement.

Last Timesheet End Date

Displays the end date of the last timesheet processed against this agreement. This field is read-only and is blank when you initially create the agreement. Once the agreement is released and is used in the timesheet interpretation process, the date shown in this field determines if the agreement or components belonging to the agreement can be edited or deleted.

(Validity Dates) From

Date on which the agreement becomes valid. Click the calendar button and use the calendar control to select a valid date.

(Validity Dates) To

Date after which the agreement ceases to be valid. Click the calendar button and use the calendar control to select a valid date. Alternatively, leave this field blank if the agreement is to remain valid indefinitely.

Hierarchy Level

Agreement hierarchy level to which the agreement belongs. This defaults to Country but you can select another hierarchy level as required.

Hierarchy Value

Agreement hierarchy value to which the agreement belongs. For example, if the agreement is assigned to the Country level of the agreement hierarchy, the hierarchy value defines the country to which the agreement applies. Click  to display a dialog box that allows you to search for the relevant hierarchy value.

Hierarchy Group

Hierarchy group to which the agreement belongs. When a user attempts to assign a pay agreement to a job order, the system will filter the list of agreements that can be assigned by the hierarchy group that applies to the job order as well as the hierarchy level and value. If no such agreement exists, the system will filter the list of agreements that can be assigned to the job order by the applicable hierarchy level and value only. It is not mandatory to assign an agreement to a hierarchy group.

Hierarchy group functionality is only available if hierarchy group functionality has been enabled for the country to which the agreement is assigned in Maintenance > Hierarchy > Country > Middle / Back Office Country Setting > Hierarchy Group. Where is field is available, the name of this field depends on the field label that has been configured in Maintenance > Hierarchy > Country.

Hierarchy Groups Assigned to Rates

Displays a tick if any of the pay rate rules that belong to the agreement are assigned to a hierarchy group. If pay rate rules are assigned to a hierarchy group, when pay interpretation occurs the system will first attempt to apply a pay rate rule my matching on a combination of hierarchy level, hierarchy value and hierarchy group. If no such pay rate rule exists, the system will attempt to find an applicable pay rate rule by matching on a combination of hierarchy level and hierarchy value only. For more information, see Pay Rate Rules.

Hierarchy group functionality is only available if hierarchy group functionality has been enabled for the country to which the agreement is assigned in Maintenance > Hierarchy > Country > Middle / Back Office Country Setting > Hierarchy Group. Where is field is available, the name of this field depends on the field label that has been configured in Maintenance > Hierarchy > Country.

Use Supplementary Rates for Oncosts

If ticked, pay oncosts that are calculated for bill items, which are generated as result of interpretation against this agreement, will be calculated using the supplementary rate method. Where this method is used, the pay rate used in the calculation of the oncost will be taken from a supplementary pay code instead of the pay code that was actually paid.

For more information about this option, see Pay Agreement Headers.

Status of the agreement. This defaults to Pending, indicating that the agreement is not ready to be used. When the agreement has been fully configured and is ready to be used, the option in this field can be changed to Released, thereby allowing Rates and Rules to apply the agreement when necessary.

Week Ending Day
Day of the week on which the working week ends. This is used to determine where one week ends and a new week begins for the purposes of applying any weekly-based actions and action limits within the agreement.

Rate Determinator Type
If multiple pay rate rules/bill rate rules are defined within the agreement at different levels of the agreement hierarchy, the option selected in this field determines the level of the hierarchy that will determine the pay rate/bill rate. The options are as follows:

Lowest Hierarchy Level – applies the rate as defined by the pay rate rule/bill rate rule assigned to the lowest agreement hierarchy level, where the hierarchy value matches the attributes of the job order

Highest Rate Value – applies the pay rate rule/bill rate rule with the highest monetary rate, regardless of whether there are other applicable pay rate rules/bill rate rules assigned to a lower level of the agreement hierarchy within the agreement

Lowest Rate Value – applies the pay rate rule/bill rate rule with the lowest monetary rate, regardless of whether there are other applicable pay rate rules/bill rate rules assigned to a lower level of the agreement hierarchy within the agreement.

Determines the country to which the agreement belongs. This is used to determine which maintenance items, such as pay codes, can be used within the agreement.

Compare To Job Schedule
If selected, Rates and Rules will run the corresponding job schedule through the primary interpretation process as well as the relevant timesheet in order to compare actual time worked with the job schedule.

Cannot Set Pay Rate to < Agreement Rate
When ticked, users without the appropriate security permission will be unable to manually change the rate on a job order or a client job template in Recruitment Manager so that the rate is below the default value, as defined by the pay agreement. When not ticked, a user can change the pay rate below the default value even if the user does not have the appropriate security permission.

Compare Results
If selected, a Compare Results flag can be set on each pay code rule that belongs to the agreement. When the flag is set on a pay code rule, the result of the pay code rule can be compared to that of other pay code rules that belong to the agreement so that payment can be based on the lowset or highest pay amount yielded by any of the pay code rules that are included in the comparison.

And Pay Based On
Determines if the lowest or highest pay amount yielded by pay code rules, which are included in a comparison, is to be paid.

This field is available only if the Compare Results field is ticked, in which case it is mandatory to select an option in this field.

Lock Agreement
If ticked, the rates on the agreement are locked down to prevent the rates from being altered on a client job template or on a job order by an agency front office staff member via Recruitment Manager.

Filter Timesheet Attendance Items

If ticked, attendance types that are available for selection on a timesheet, which is subject to the pay agreement, will be limited to those attendance types for which a pay code rule shift type condition is defined within the agreement and the comparison type of the condition is set to Equals. If unticked, attendance types that are available on a job order are derived from the payee’s employment type.



To save the agreement header, click Save.

A confirmation message opens, indicating the agreement has been saved successfully.

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