Generate Documents

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Generate Documents

In Recruitment Manager documents can be generated and automatically attached to records by utilising the 'Generate Doco' feature. Documents can be generated in the following records:

  • Parent

  • Client

  • Cost Centre

  • Job Order

  • Candidate

Documents are generated and stored in the record's Document Management section. Navigate to this section by selecting 'Document Management' in the Quick Link menu at the top of the record.

To generate a document


Navigate to the Document Management section and click on Generate Doco.

The Generate Documents workflow is displayed.


Select the template required.

The system asks if you wish to generate a document from the template.


Select Ok.

The 'Select Folder' screen is displayed.


Select the folder the document will be located in and click on Ok.

The new document is displayed in the Document Management list.

Where the template used has merge fields, fields within the new document are automatically updated with data from the record the document was generated from.

Generate a document with Merge Tag list items

Document Templates can be created with Merge Tag list items (column headers) in Version 11.20 onward, where list information from the record is to be inserted into the document. For example, where a Candidate Resume needs to be created with a list of Skills and a list of Work Reference details included.

List items that can be applied to Document Templates include:

  • Candidate Record – Skills list

  • Candidate Record – Work Reference list

  • Candidate Record – Job list

When creating a template with Merge Tag Header Row items, the merge tags are inserted next to each other in a row (left to right), with no delimiters (spaces, commas etc) in between each item. The system will automatically insert the header items into a table and apply the list items.

To generate a document with Merge Tag list items:


Follow steps 1 to 3 as described in 'Generate Documents'

Where Merge Tag list items have been included in the Document Template, the 'Header Row MergeTag' pop up displays with the relevant lists. For example where the document contains MergeTag Header Rows for the 'Candidate Skills' list, then all the Skills in the record are displayed for selection.


Select the rows from the list(s) that need to be inserted into the document.


Select Apply.

The new document is displayed in the Document Management list. Download the document to view the merged list items, displayed in a table format.


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