Leave Type - AWR Enhanced Holiday Override

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Leave Type - AWR Enhanced Holiday Override


A candidate could have many leave types applied that they could have an accrual for.

A candidate can be entitled to receiving an enhanced holiday accrual when they reach parity. For the UK, the enhanced accrual is only applicable to the leave type of holiday.

FastTrack360 leave module needs to know which leave type should use the enhanced holiday accrual rate in the pay batch.

The following enhancement to the Leave Set Accrual Rule has been added:







Use AWR Enhanced Holiday Override at Parity

A flag to indicate if the leave accrual at the pay batch stage should use the value of the enhanced holiday override on the job.

  • The checkbox is visible if

    • AWR is active on the country.

    • The Accrual method is Percentage or Fixed

    • The Leave Type is not for SSP (UK only)

  • The checkbox is editable when the validity date is greater than the last pay period used date. This does mean that you will need to end your existing leave set validity period and copy your rules to a new validity period. This is because the system could retrospectively apply accruals where a payee has reached parity and it doesn’t see the accrual rate changes as you could have amended this manually.


It informs the system which leave type is affected by the Enhanced Holiday Override accrual rate on the job order when processing leave accruals in the pay batch.


The AWR Active flag in the hierarchy should be checked on.

Apply the checkbox in a new validity period for the leave set.

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