FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Display of Items on Closed Invoices - V12.20P1
A change has been made to the way that invoice or credit items are grouped for display on the screen when a closed invoice/credit note is viewed in the Billing > Manage Invoice/Credit Notes > View Invoice/Credit Note screen. The grouping of the invoice/credit items has been changed so that items that have a zero value or net to zero and, therefore, are not shown on the invoice/credit note as issued to the debtor, are now visible on the View Invoice/Credit Note screen when the closed invoice/credit note is viewed in the Billing module. An example of this is highlighted below.
This change means that when you attempt to view a closed invoice/credit note in some cases it may take longer to load the View Invoice/Credit Note screen because the system must retrieve and display a greater number of items from the database.
This enhancement allows all bill or credit items that are linked to a closed invoice or credit note to be selected, not just those that a debtor will actually see on the invoice/credit note document, so that they can assigned to a purchase order. In turn, if the document format that is used to render the invoice/credit note document is configured to display a purchase order number at the document header level, this ensures that all items can be assigned to the same purchase order without any items being ‘orphaned’ so that a unique purchase order number can be printed on the reissued document as expected.
No configuration required.
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