FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Interpreter Review > Supplied Payees - Proforma Remittance
The concept of Proforma Remittance was introduced in the 12.17 release with the introduction of the Contractor Payment Terms feature (click here for more details on this process). Where configured in the Supplier Record, a Proforma Remittance can also be generated and released to the Supplier for a Supplied Payee where the timesheet has been Reviewed.
For Supplier Payees timesheets, the proforma remittance ID will be the next sequential number for the supplier rather than for the payee. For example if the supplier has 2 payees and the following payslips are processed in the sequence below, it will demonstrate the next proforma ID generated, if the starting id is 1200.
Payee ID | Timesheet - process order | Proforma ID |
500001577 | 1 | 1200 |
500001578 | 2 | 1201 |
500001578 | 3 | 1202 |
500001577 | 4 | 1203 |
If an interpreted timesheet is reversed, the status of a proforma remittance will be set to Inactive and once the timesheet is released for pay again, this will trigger the generation of a new, updated proforma remittance for that timesheet with a new proforma remittance ID. However, the original proforma remittance will remain listed in the Payslip Details section of the Candidate Portal, Candidate and Candidate Connect screens because the document may already have been emailed or downloaded. Changes have been made to the Payslip List to show the status of the document ie; Current/Superseded, click here for more details.
To ensure that the documentation is delivered to the correct person and that the proforma relates to the supplier and not the payee.
Where a Proforma Remittance is required to be sent to the Supplier for a Reviewed Timesheet, this is configured within the Supplier Record. Click here for more details.
The Proforma Remittance document is configured in Maintenance > Document Designer. Click here for more details.
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