Supplying Proforma Remittance Advice

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Supplying Proforma Remittance Advice

An interim payment advice document can be generated prior to payees' timesheets being paid in a pay batch.

If a payee is subject to being issued interim payment advice a proforma remittance document is generated whenever any of the payee’s timesheets is approved and is processed by the Interpreter Service. One proforma remittance document is created per timesheet.

The proforma remittance can be configured to output the payment due date so as to alert the payee of when to expect to be paid.  The payee will still be issued with a formal payslip when it is paid and this can be configured to output the original proforma ID so that the payee can reconcile their payments.

The proforma remittance can be delivered to the payee via any of the same delivery mechanisms that apply to payslips (i.e. via the candidate portal or email).

If a payee is subject to being issued interim payment advice, the proforma remittance document that they are issued includes a proforma remittance ID, which is a sequential number that identifies the sequence in which the document was generated in relation to other proforma remittance documents for the same payee. The ID can also be used to:

  • search for the timesheet to which proforma remittance document corresponds in the Interpreter Review module

  • as a reference by the payee if they need to make an enquiry regarding their pay

  • as a means by the payee can cross reference their interim pay advice and the corresponding final payslip to make sure they have been paid what they expected to be paid.

If a payee is to be issued an interim pay advice document, a proforma remittance starting ID must be defined on the Payee record to identify the starting point for the ID sequence. For example, if the starting sequence is set to 0001, the first proforma remittance document that is issued to the payee will have an ID of 0001, the second document will have an ID of 0002 and so on. The starting sequence number is unique to each payee and can be reset at any time if necessary but cannot be set to a number that is less than the ID of the last proforma remittance that has already been generated for that payee.

When an interim pay advice document is generated at the time the status of an interpreted timesheet is set to Reviewed, in addition to the interim pay advice being assigned the next available ID in the sequence, the interim pay advice is also flagged as Active. That allows the interim pay advice document to be previewed in the Interpreter Review module.

If there is an issue with the reviewed timesheet or the interim pay advice, the timesheet can be un-reviewed in the Interpreter Review module if the timesheet is yet to be paid/billed. That sets the status of the interim pay advice to Inactive to indicate that it is no longer valid and allows a new interim pay advice document to be generated for the same timesheet when the status of the timesheet changes to Reviewed again. That is, the new interim pay advice document will supersede the inactive one.

An inactive interim pay advice document is not recalled if it has already been delivered to a payee via email and it also continues to be listed in the payee’s payslip list in the Candidate Portal.

To enable the supply of proforma remittance documents for a payee, the Proforma Remittance option must be ticked on the Payslip Details section of the Payee Entry screen.

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