Interpreter Review - 12 Month Search Limit for Reviewed Timesheets V12.10P3

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Interpreter Review - 12 Month Search Limit for Reviewed Timesheets V12.10P3


An enhancement has been around searching for interpreted timesheets in the Interpreter > Interpreter Review whereby the week ending search criteria are now limited to a maximum period of 12 months when searching for interpreted timesheets that have a status of Reviewed.

If you attempt to search for interpreted timesheets with a status of Reviewed and you select a week ending date range that is greater than 12 months, the search will not return any timesheets and an error message is displayed at the top of the Interpreter Review screen, as shown in the example below.


The 12 month week ending date range limit is imposed when searching for interpreted timesheets with a status of Reviewed only. There is no limit on the week ending date range when searching for interpreted timesheets with a status of Not Reviewed.


This enhancement reduces the maximum number of timesheets that can be returned in a single search so that the speed of the search, and general system performance, is not compromised, as can be the case if the system attempts to retrieve data for an excessive number of timesheets.


No configuration required.

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