FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Viewing the Import Batch Audit
The Import screen on the Rates & Rules > Bulk Rate Update > Import screen features search options that allow you to search for a Bulk Rate Import batch that you have submitted so that you can check if the batch has completed processing. Using these search options, you can also list and see details about historic batches that have been processed in the past.
The search options allow you to search for Bulk Rate Update batches by the following criteria:
creation date (i.e. date that the batch was submitted for processing)
import type (e.g. Standard Rates)
import batch number.
To search for existing batches that are being processed or any historic batches, select the relevant search criteria and click Search. Alternatively, just click Search without selecting any search criteria to return a list of all in progress and historic batches. The list of in progress and historic batches will be listed on the screen and for each batch that is listed, the following details are displayed:
the batch number that uniquely identifies the Bulk Rate Update batch
the import type
batch creation date
name and username of the user who submitted the batch.
The status of a batch each batch is also shown and this can be one of the following:
Status | Description |
In Progress | Indicates that the batch has been created and has began processing but is yet to be completed. |
Completed | Indicates that the batch has completed processing and all rates that were included in the imported file were updated successfully. |
Completed with Exceptions | Indicates that the batch has completed processing successfully but some rates in the import file could not be updated due to exceptions (for more information, see Validation Errors & Exceptions) |
Rates Import Failed Due to an Exception | Indicates that the batch completed processing but no rates could be updated due to exceptions (for more information, see Validation Errors & Exceptions) |
File Validation Failed | Indicates that the batch completed processing but no rates could be updated because one or more mandatory columns in the imported file was blank or contained data in an unexpected format (for more information, see Validation Errors & Exceptions) |
Failed | Indicates that the batch could not be processed due to a system error or network outage or similar. Note that if a batch fails, you can upload the same updated rates file to attempt the bulk rate update again. |
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