FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
IRD Error Messages
The table below lists and describes specific errors that could be returned by the IRD if a submission fails. For each error, the table shows the error code that will be returned, the error message, the possible cause of the error and the steps to take to resolve the issue.
Error Code | Error Message | Possible Cause | Resolution |
-1 | An unknown error has occurred | There is an outage of the IRD’s gateway service and/or MyIR. | Check the IRD website, the FastTrack 360 status page or check for notification from your IRD account manager to see if there is an outage of IRD services. If there is an outage, wait until the outage is resolved and attempt to resubmit. Note that if the failed submission is a Payday return, any employment information submissions that were also triggered on submission of the return to automatically create, update or termination employment relationship information will be automatically resent on successful re-submission of the Payday return. If there is no advertised outage of IRD services, contact the IRD and attempt to resubmit when the IRD have confirmed that their systems are operational. |
1 | Authentication failure | The login authentication process for the corresponding pay company has not been carried out successfully. | Perform the login authentication process for the relevant pay company or companies and resubmit the Payday return or manually resubmit the individual payee submissions that have failed. |
4 | Unauthorised delegation |
| Contact FastTrack and request to have your system URI registered with the IRD. Once you receive confirmation that this has been done, perform the login authentication process for the relevant pay company or companies and resubmit the Payday return or manually resubmit the individual payee submissions that have failed. If your FastTrack360 environment has been registered, FastTrack may need to reset the authentication status of the pay company to Failed and you will need to perform the login authentication process for the relevant pay company to reset the authentication credentials. |
6 | Authentication expired | FastTrack360 was unable to automatically renew the login session to the IRD and therefore the login session expired. | Perform the login authentication process for the relevant pay company or companies and resubmit Payday return or manually resubmit the individual payee submissions that have failed. |
21 | XML request failed validation | There could be invalid characters in some fields on the Payee record that are causing errors when written to the report that is submitted to the IRD. | Check the Email 1 field on the Payee record for any of the following invalid characters and remove those offending characters:
Also check the Email 1, First Name, Middle Name, Surname and the mailing address fields on the Payee record for any of the following invalid characters and remove those offending characters:
Once you have updated and saved the Payee record, resubmit the failed submission. If the problem persists, contact FastTrack for support. |
101 | The provided information did not match with any employment relationship | FastTrack360 sent an automatic Update employment information submission to the IRD to update a payee’s details but the IRD could not match the payee’s details to an existing employment information record at their end. This can happen if the payee’s details have changes since the employment information was initially reported to the IRD and any of the following conditions apply:
From 1 July 2021 this error could also occur if you have attempted to report a termination through Payday Filing but the IRD have already ceased the employment relationship automatically due to inactivity for 12 months or more. | Where the employment relationship has not been ceased automatically by the IRD due to inactivity:
Where the employment relationship has been ceased automatically by the IRD due to inactivity, no further action is required because the employment information cannot be updated for the ceased employment relationship. However, note that if the payee is to be paid again a new Payee record must be created so that a new employment relationship can be established. |
102 | The provided information was not specific enough to match with a single employment relationship | The IRD have advised that an issue with their systems in September 2020 resulted in many duplicate employer/employee relationship records being erroneously created at their end. Because of this, when a payee’s employment details are updated or their employment is terminated, and therefore FastTrack360 triggers an automatic update or termination request to update or terminate the details of the employer/employee relationship with the IRD, the submission may fail. | The IRD have advised that if you receive this error, you can do one of the following:
It is recommended that you only resort to the latter method if you are confident with using MyIR and that you are certain that you can identify the relevant duplicate record. Once you have removed the duplicate record, resubmit the failed employment information submission from FastTrack360. |
104 | Invalid filing period | The filing period end date that was selected when submitting a Payday Return was not the last calendar day of the filing month. | Resubmit the Payday return and when prompted for the filing period end date, make sure you select the last calendar day of the month in which the payment date of the Payday return falls, irrespective of whether you are a once a month or a twice monthly filer. |
120 | This employee is locked for processing, because there is a request to update this record but it hasn't processed yet | FastTrack360 submitted an Update submission to update the employment details of a payee but the previous Update submission for the same payee was still being processed by the IRD. | Attempt to manually resubmit the failed payee submissions later. If the problem reoccurs after multiple attempts, contact FastTrack for support. |
124 | The start and/or finish date overlaps with multiple other records | FastTrack360 submitted a Create submission to create the employee/employer relationship for a payee who has already been reported as an employee to the IRD. This problem will only affect payees who have an employment start date that is prior to 01/04/2019 and are subject to one of the following conditions:
| Contact FastTrack for support. |
138 | Employee must not have an ‘SL’ type tax code, as they have no student loan or they have a student loan repayment exemption. | The affected payee does not have a student loan or has an exemption from repaying their student loan but a student loan tax code has been applied to the payee in FastTrack360. | On the Payee record in FastTrack, add a new validity period and change the payee's tax code to the appropriate, non-student loan tax code. The next time the payee is paid and a Payday return is submitted, FastTrack360 will automatically send the payee's updated tax code to the IRD. |
139 | Employee must have an ‘SL’ type tax code, as they have a student loan and do not have a student loan repayment exemption | The affected payee has a student loan debt but a non-student loan tax code has been applied to the payee in FastTrack360. | On the Payee record in FastTrack, add a new validity period and change the payee's tax code to the appropriate, student loan tax code. The next time the payee is paid and a Payday return is submitted, FastTrack360 will automatically send the payee's updated tax code to the IRD. |
145 | Return held for processing | You have attempted to resubmit a Payday Return (i.e. a Return with a submission status of Partially Completed) but the initial Return that you submitted for the same payment date/pay company/filing period combination is still 'locked' for processing within the IRD system. This problem occurs if there is an issue with the IRDs system that is causing Returns to become 'locked' within their system. | Resubmit the rejected Return only once initial Return that you submitted for the same payment date/pay company/filing period combination is visible in your myIR portal. If the initially submitted Return does not appear in your myIR portal in a timely manner, contact the IRD as they may need to manually process the Return to 'unlock' it before you can resubmit the rejected, updated Return. |
160 | Duplicate payday submission | You have resubmitted a Payday Return within 60 minutes of submitting the original return. | Wait 60 minutes and attempt to resubmit the Payday Return. |
161 | Payday date not in filing period | The filing period end date that was selected when submitting a Payday Return was not in the same month as the payment date of the Payday Return. | Contact FastTrack for support. |
164 | Period too far into the future | The filing period for which you have attempted to file a Payday Return is too far into the future and is not yet available for filing. | Contact FastTrack for support. |
166 | EI temporarily locked for processing | You have attempted to submit a Payday Return while the IRD is performing their overnight processing of submitted returns and therefore the IRD was unable to process the submission. | Wait 30 minutes and attempt to resubmit the Payday Return. |
180 | Return is time-barred | You have attempted to submit a Payday Return that is reporting an adjustment for a period that is more than four years in the past. | Adjustments for periods more than four years ago cannot be reported through Payday Filing. If you receive this error you must contact the IRD by phone or secure mail (via myIR) to inform that you need to report an amendment for more than four years ago. Alternatively, complete an IR344 Employment Information Amendments return form and submit it to the IRD. |
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