HMRC Message Portal

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

HMRC Message Portal

The HMRC Message Portal is the communication point between the employer and HMRC to receive and send data between the 2 parties.  The following section describes the process for both incoming and outgoing forms.

Incoming Forms

The HMRC instruct employers to apply updates to payees' tax code, student loan and postgraduate loan via an API.  These are incoming forms from the HMRC.  The HMRC can also notify employers of updates to National Insurance numbers but this facility is not currently available within FastTrack360.

The instructions that can be received from the HMRC and applied in FastTrack360 are:

  • P6 - In year tax code update

  • P6B - A mid year tax code uplift from a budget change

  • P9 - A start of year tax code update

  • SL1 - A student loan start notification

  • SL2 - A student loan stop notification

  • PGL1 - A postgraduate start notification

  • PGL2 - A postgraduate stop notification

  • CIS Verification - A verification confirmation of a CIS worker’s tax code.

Outgoing Forms

Employers are obligated in sending the HMRC data in an electronic form.  The forms that are sent out of FastTrack360 are:

  • Full Payment Submission (FPS) - payee data, earnings and deductions, year to date figures each time a payee is paid.

  • Employer Payment Submission (EPS) - the employer compensations to offset against payments due to the HMRC

  • CIS Verification Request - This is automatically generated from the payee screen to send a request to HMRC to verify the CIS worker’s tax status.

  • CIS300 - This is the online form to submit the CIS300 for CIS workers of what they have earned in that tax month.


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