How to Submit a Test in Live Submission

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Submit a Test in Live Submission

Should you wish to send a test transmission to the HMRC of your FPS or EPS, this is called a ‘Test In Live’ submission.  This means that the file can be sent to the HMRC with the assurance that it will not update payees' tax accounts.

When the submission is completed in the HMRC Message Portal, click on the Completed status button against the submission made and you will be presented with confirmation that no submission has been made but the test has been successful:

HMRC has received the HMRC-PAYE-RTI-FPS-TIL document ref: 999/A999 at 10.37 on 12/09/2021. The associated IRmark was: THIS IS A TEST NOTE: NO SUBMISSION HAS BEEN MADE - This submission would have been successfully processed if sent under non-test conditions.

Should a ‘Test In Live’ submission be required, please contact our support department who will arrange for the configuration to allow for the test on the environment that you wish to apply it to.

Ensure that you then contact the support department to revert the configuration to its live state when the test is complete.

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