FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
HMRC Message Portal Inbox - Matching of Payees
When forms are received from HMRC, there is a matching process that occurs. If a HMRC Works Number has been supplied on the form, FastTrack360 will attempt to find that against the Payee Identifier. If it cannot find a match, it then proceeds to the NI Number. If it can’t identify the payee from that, it becomes unmatched.
Some customers have employees who have a contractor record on FastTrack and their PAYE record on another system. When forms are received from HMRC, the forms are received for the employer not for each payroll system that the employee exists on. As the form comes in for the employee, and it is for the PAYE record, the payee identifier did not match, so it then matched on the NI Number and updating the payees tax code against the wrong person.
A change has been made that it will only apply a match on the NI Number matching scenario if the Payee Type is PAYE. So if the payee is a contractor in FastTrack360, the form will not be matched. Should you wish for it to be applied, a manual match can done.
Prevents incorrect application of tax codes against contractors.
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