Payday Payee Reporting Screen

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Payday Payee Reporting Screen

The Payroll > IR Electronic Report > Payday Payee Reporting screen provides the ability to audit the individual payee Payday employment details submissions that are triggered automatically by FastTrack360 to create, update or terminate the employer/employee relationship. From this screen you can do the following:

  • manually resubmit any payee submissions that have failed due to a rejection by the IRD or a technical error that prevented the submission from the reaching the IRD

  • manually trigger a termination submission for for payees whose employment has ended, but who have not been terminated in a pay batch, so that the cessation of the employer/employee relationship can be reported to the IRD.

The Payday Payee Submission screen features the following two tabs:

  • Submission – this tab allows you to search for any historic payee submissions that have been automatically generated by FastTrack360 according to a set of search criteria, such as submission status. From this tab you can check if, for example, any payee submissions have failed due to a technical error or rejection.

  • Payee – this tab allows you to search for a specific payee by search criteria and to manually resubmit the last submission for that payee manually if that submission had failed. You can also manually trigger the sending of a terminate submission if the payee’s employment has been end dated and the cessation of the employer/employee relationship needs to be reported to the IRD.

The Submission and Payee tabs consists of the following components:

  • a search header that allows you to select search criteria to find submissions or payees

  • a search results list that lists payee employment detail submissions.

 The table below lists and describes the fields that are available on the Submission tab.



Search Header

Submission Date From

Filters the employment details submissions that are displayed in the search results list by the earliest date on which the submissions were triggered.

Submission Date To

Filters the employment details submissions that are displayed in the search results list by the earliest date on which the submissions were triggered.

Pay Company

Filters the employment details submissions that are displayed in the search results list by the pay company to which a payee belongs.

The Any option is selected by default whenever you open the screen but you can select the name of a specific pay company in this field to view a list of submissions that are linked to a specific pay company.

Submission Type

Filters the employment details submissions that are displayed in the search results list by the type of payee submission to which they correspond (i.e. create, update, terminate).

The Any option is selected by default whenever you open the screen but you can select a specific submission type in this field to list only submissions of that type.

First Name

Filters the employment details submissions that are displayed in the search results list by the given name of the payee to whom the submission corresponds.

Leading and trailing wildcards can be used for partial matching on the name. For example, jo% matches names such as Jo, Joe and Joanne while %anne matches names such as Anne, Joanne and Maryanne.


Filters the employment details submissions that are displayed in the search results list by the family name of the payee to whom the submission corresponds.

Leading and trailing wildcards can be used for partial matching on the name. For example, black% matches names such as Black, Blackman and Blacksmith while %simth matches names such as Smith and Blacksmith.

Payee No.

Filters the employment details submissions that are displayed in the search results list by the system-generated 9-digit payee number that uniquely identifies the payee to whom the submission corresponds.

Submission Status

Filters the employment details submissions that are displayed in the search results list by the submission status.

The Rejected and Technical error options are ticked by default whenever you open the screen to show submissions that have failed. However, you search for submissions by other status if necessary. For more information, see Submission Statuses.

Search Results List

Payee No.

Displays the payee ID that uniquely identifies the payee to whom the listed submission corresponds.

First Name

Displays the given name of the payee to whom the listed submission corresponds.


Displays the family name of the payee to whom the listed submission corresponds.

Pay Company

Displays the name of the pay company to which the listed submission corresponds.

Submission ID

Displays an ID number that can be used to uniquely identify the listed submission in FastTrack360 for diagnosing problems.

Submission Type

Displays Initial Submission if the listed submission has only been submitted once or displays Re-submission if the submission was resubmitted to fix an error or because further payments had to be reported.

Submission Date

Displays the date on which the listed submission was triggered.

Submission Status

Displays the submission status that identifies if the listed submission was successful. For more information, see Submission Statuses.

Error Code

If the status of the listed submission is Technical Error or Rejected, this field displays the error code that has been sent by the IRD in response to the submission to identify the cause of the error or rejection.

Note that in some cases where the submission status is Technical Error this field could be blank. For example, if the error occurred because of an outage of the IRD system, the IRD system may not be able to send an error code. If the technical error occurred due to a system error that prevented the submission being sent to the IRD, there will also be no error code received from the IRD.

For more information, see Troubleshooting.

Error Message

If the status of the listed submission is Technical Error or Rejected, this field displays a message that explains the reason why the error or rejection occurred.

Note that in some cases where the submission status is Technical Error this field could be blank because there might not be an error message defined for all error scenarios.

For more information, see Troubleshooting.

Action Required

Displays a tip about what action needs to be carried out for the listed submission depending on the submission status.

The table below lists and describes the fields that are available on the Payee tab.



Search Header

Payee No.

Filters the list of payee submissions in the search results list by the payee ID that uniquely identifies a payee.

First Name

Filters the list of payee submissions in the search results list by the given name of the payee.


Filters the list of payee submissions in the search results list by the family name of the payee.

Employment End Dated

Filters the of payee submissions in the search results list according to whether there is an employment end date on the payee record.

This is useful if you want to find a payee whose employment you want to report as having been terminated.

The options available in this field are:

Any - finds payees irrespective of whether they have an employment end date.

Yes - finds only those payees who have an employment end date.

No - finds only those payees who do not have an employment end date.

Pay Company

Filters the list of payee submissions in the search results list by the pay company to which the payee belongs.

Pay Group

Filters the list of payee submissions in the search results list by the pay group to which the payee belongs.

This defaults to Any to allow searching for payees regardless of the pay group to which they belong. To search for a payee based on the pay group to which the payee belongs, select the relevant pay group name in this field.

Tax Type

Filters the list of payee submissions in the search results list by the tax type of the payee.

The options available in this field are:

Any - finds payees irrespective of their tax type.

PAYE - finds only those payees who have a tax type of PAYE.

Contractor - finds only those payees who have a tax type of Contractor.

Employment Termination Reported

Filters the list of payee submissions in the search results list by whether their employment termination has been reported to the IRD.

The options available in this field are:

Any - finds payees irrespective of whether their employment termination has been reported to the IRD.

Yes - finds only those payees whose employment termination has been reported to the IRD.

No - finds only those payees whose employment termination has not been reported to the IRD.

Search Results List

Payee No.

Displays the payee ID that uniquely identifies a payee in FastTrack360.

Payee First Name

Displays the given name of the listed payee.

Payee Surname

Displays the family name of the listed payee.

Pay Company

Displays the name of the pay company to which the listed payee belongs.

Pay Group

Displays the name of the pay group to which the listed payee belongs.

Tax Type

Displays the tax type of the listed payee.

Employment Start Date

Displays the employment start date of the listed payee.

Employment End Date

Displays the employment end date of the listed payee or is blank if the listed payee’s employment is not end-dated.

Termination Reported

Displays Yes if the listed payee’s employment has been terminated and the cessation of the employer/employee relationship has been reported to the IRD via a terminate submission.

Displays No if the payee’s employment has not been terminated or if the termination is yet to be reported to the IRD.

Latest Submission Type

Identifies the type of employment details submission that was last sent to the IRD for the listed payee. This is one of the following:

  • Create

  • Update

  • Terminate

Latest Submission Status

Displays the submission status of the latest employment details submission for the listed payee.

For more information about the submission statuses, see Submission Statuses.

Latest Submission Date

Displays the date on which the latest employment details submission was triggered for the listed payee.

Latest Submission ID

Displays a unique FastTrack360 submission ID that identifies the latest employment details submission for the listed payee. This can be used when diagnosing problems.


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