FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Managing Payslip Delivery (Payroll NZ)
Whenever a pay batch is closed the system automatically generates payslips for all payees included in the pay batch. This applies to normal and adjustment pay batches except where an adjustment pay batch is processed as a balancing payments pay batch.
Each payee's payslip is generated in the format specified on each respective payee's payee record and are automatically available to each payee via the Candidate Portal.
Each payee record specifies the payslip delivery method that is the payee's preferred means of receiving their payslips. The payee may receive their payslips via the Candidate Portal only, in which case no action is required to deliver payslips to the payee. Alternatively, a payee may have their payslips delivered via email or their payslips may be printed and physically distributed to them. The email and print delivery methods can be used where, for example, payees do not have access to the Candidate Portal or prefer to receive their payslips via email or on paper.
For payees with a preferred payslip delivery method of email or print, payslip delivery must be initiated manually.
When payslips are delivered via email they are automatically flagged as delivered as soon as the email is sent. This prevents the payslips from inadvertently being distributed to payees again. When payslips are printed you are given the option to print the payslips and flag them as delivered or to print the payslips without flagging them as delivered. The latter option facilitates the ability to print physical copies of payslips for checking prior to delivering to payees.
Flagging of a payslip as delivered does not prevent the payslip from being delivered to a payee again if, for example, a payee requests another copy of their payslip. Where a payee has a preferred payslip delivery method of Portal Only set on their payee record, the payee's payslips are automatically flagged as delivered as soon as they are created on closing of a pay batch. A payee's preferred payslip delivery method determines the delivery method preferred by the payee but does not prevent payslips from being delivered by email or print if necessary.
The delivery of a payslip to a payee normally involves a process that must be completed outside of the system. For example, a payslip can be flagged as delivered when it is printed from the system. However, the payslip must still be physically given or sent to the payee and this process cannot be controlled by the system.
Therefore, when a payslip is flagged as delivered it is not necessarily an indication that the payee has received the payslip. Instead, it is an indication that no further action is required in the system to deliver the payslip unless the payee indicates that the payslip has not been received, in which case the payslip can be re-delivered.
Payslips can also be sent to other agency staff for checking via ad-hoc email. Unlike delivery of payslips to payees via email, which automatically sends the selected payslips to the email addresses of the relevant payees, you must specify the email address of each intended recipient when you send payslips via an ad-hoc email. Unless a payslip has already been delivered to a payee, the payslip will not be flagged as delivered when it is sent via an ad-hoc email as this method of sending payslips is not intended to be used for delivery of payslips to payees.
If you need to check a payee's payslip you can view a preview of the payslip, which shows the payslip in the exact format in which it will be or was delivered to the payee.
The general process for delivering payslips involves the following:
Searching for the payslip(s) to be delivered
Previewing any of the payslips if necessary
Selecting the delivery method (email, print or ad-hoc email).
Delivery of Payslips Via the Candidate Portal
Depending on the configuration of a payee’s pay group, their payslips may be automatically available for them to download from the Candidate Portal as soon as a pay batch is closed, when the payment date of a pay batch has been reached or when payroll have manually released their payslip to the Candidate Portal.
If a payee’s pay group is configured so that their payslips must be manually released to the Candidate Portal, the payee will not be able to download their payslip form the Candidate Portal until a payroll user has manually released the payslip. For more information, see How to Manually Release Payslips to the Candidate Portal.
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