How to Print Payslips (Payroll NZ)

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Print Payslips (Payroll NZ)

To print payslips, follow the procedure below.

How to Print Payslips


Navigate to Payroll > Pay Process > Payslip Delivery.

The Payslip Delivery screen opens.



Search for the payslip or payslips that you want to print.



In the Results section of the screen, tick the checkbox next to each payslip that you want to print and click Print.

All payslips that you select must have the same preferred delivery method. To check the preferred delivery method of each payslip, refer to the Preferred Delivery Method column in the payslip list on the Payslip Delivery screen. 

A confirmation message opens, prompting you to confirm that you want to flag the selected payslips as Delivered.



If you want to print the selected payslip(s) without flagging them as being delivered, click on the checkbox on the confirmation message to clear the tick and click OK.

Otherwise, if you want the selected payslips to be flagged as Delivered click OK without clearing the tick.

The confirmation message closes and each payslip you have chosen to print is displayed in a preview window.



In the preview window, click the Print button to print the payslip(s) on a printer.

Alternatively, click the Save button to save the payslip(s) to a file location so that they can be printed at a later time.


