What is Reported Through STP?

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

What is Reported Through STP?

The table below gives a high-level overview of what is reported through STP.

Payer Details

Pay company Trade Name

Pay company ABN and ABN Branch Number

Pay company mailing address details

Pay company contact name and contact details

Registered tax/BAS agent information, if pay company acts as an outsourced payroll provider that reports on behalf of an external client.

Indication of submission declaration acceptance and name of user who accepted the declaration.

Total gross payments and total tax withheld by the pay company in the pay batch that is being submitted.

Note:    this is not reported when a pay batch is re-submitted to update details of individual payees that could not be successfully validated by the ATO on initial submission.

Payee Details

Name, mailing address and contact details.

Employment start and end date (if applicable).

TFN declaration information, if not previously reported.

YTD gross earnings

YTD tax withheld

YTD reportable employer superannuation contributions, if applicable

Type and YTD amount of itemizable allowance payments received, such as deductible transport or laundry allowances, if applicable.

Note:    these amounts are included in gross earnings for sole traders (payee type of Labour Hire) company contractors (payee type of Company) with a voluntary withholding agreement and are therefore not reported separately for such payees.

Type and YTD amount of itemizable gross deductions, such as union/professional fees or workplace giving deductions.

Note:    these amounts are not reported for sole traders (payee type of Labour Hire) company contractors (payee type of Company) with a voluntary withholding agreement.

Type and YTD amount of lump sum payments (lump A, B, D non-taxable, E), if applicable.

Note:    these amounts are included in gross earnings for sole traders (payee type of Labour Hire) company contractors (payee type of Company) with a voluntary withholding agreement and are therefore not reported separately for such payees.

Termination payment type and amount (taxable lump sum D) received, if applicable.

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