FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
How to Run a Payroll Report
Payroll reports can be run independently of the pay batch process or they can be run when reviewing a pay batch.
To run a payroll report independently of the pay batch process, follow the procedure below.
How to Run a Payroll Report Independently of the Pay Process | |
Navigate to Payroll > Reports > Reports. The Pay Reports screen opens. | |
2. | In the Report Name field, select the report to be run. |
3. | In the Pay Batch Number field, key in the unique batch number that identifies the pay batch on which you want to report. Alternatively, skip this step and go directly to step 4 if you want to report on a range of pay batches. Skip this step and go directly to step 6 if you selected the New Payees report at step 2. |
4. | If you want to report on pay batches that have a pay period end date that falls within a specific date range, select the earliest and latest pay period end date in the range in the Pay Period End Date From and the Pay Period End Date To fields respectively. You must specify the pay period end date range or a payment date range (see step 5 below) or both. |
5. | If you want to report on pay batches that have a payment date that falls within a specific date range, select the earliest and latest payment dates in the range in the Payment Date From and Payment Date To fields respectively. You must specify the payment date range or the pay period end date range (see step 4 above) or both. |
6. | In the Brand field, click on the agency brands by which the report is to be filtered. Skip this step if you want to report across all agency brands. |
7. | In the Region field, click on the agency regions by which the report is to be filtered. Skip this step if you want to report across all agency regions. |
8. | In the Office field, click on the agency offices by which the report is to be filtered. Skip this step if you want to report across all agency offices. |
9. | In the Pay Batch Type field, select Normal if the report is to reference pay information from normal pay batches only or select Adjustment if the report is to reference pay information from adjustment batches only. |
10. | Select or key in any other information depending on the report you are running and how the information on the report needs to be filtered. Note that not all fields are applicable to all reports and therefore some fields are unavailable depending on which report you are running.
Report Name Specifies the payroll report that is to be generated. Report Period From Filters the report according to the earliest pay period start date. Pay periods with a start date earlier than the date specified in this field will be omitted from the report. To specify a date, click and use the calendar control to select the relevant date. This field is display-only when you generate a payroll report at the Review stage of the pay batch process process and displays the start date of the pay period to which the pay batch corresponds. Report Period To Filters the report according to the latest pay period end date. Pay periods with an end date later than the date specified in this field will be omitted from the report. To specify a date, click and use the calendar control to select the relevant date. This field is display-only when you generate a payroll report at the Review stage of the pay batch process process and displays the end date of the pay period to which the pay batch corresponds. Brand Filters the report according to one or more agency brands. Payroll information pertaining to agency brands other than those selected in this field will be omitted from the report. Multiple brands can be selected. No brands are selected by default, thereby allowing you to report across all agency brands.
Region Filters the report according to one or more agency regions. Payroll information pertaining to agency regions other than those selected in this field will be omitted from the report. Multiple regions can be selected. No regions are selected by default, thereby allowing you to report across all agency regions. Office Filters the report according to one or more agency offices. Payroll information pertaining to agency offices other than those selected in this field will be omitted from the report. Multiple offices can be selected. No offices are selected by default, thereby allowing you to report across all agency offices. Pay Company Filters the report according to the pay company that is paying payees. Payroll information pertaining to payees employed by a pay company other than the pay company you select in this field will be omitted from the report. This field defaults to Any, thereby allowing you to include payroll information for payees regardless of the pay company by which they are employed. Employment Type Filters the report according to the employment type that applies to payees. Payroll information pertaining to payees with an employment type other than the one you select in this field will be omitted from the report. This field defaults to Any, thereby allowing you to include payroll information for payees regardless of the pay company by which they are employed.
Pay Group Filters the report according to the pay group to which payees belong. Payroll information pertaining to payees belonging to pay groups other than the one you select in this field will be omitted from the report. This field defaults to Any, thereby allowing you to include payroll information for payees regardless of the pay group to which they belong. Pay Batch Type Filters the report based on the type of pay batch on which you want to report. Pay batch types other than the one you select in this field will be omitted from the report. This field defaults to Any, thereby allowing you to include payroll information for payees regardless of the pay group to which they belong. Pay Batch Number From Filters the report based on the lowest batch number of the pay batch that is to be included on the report. Pay batches with a lower batch number other than the number you specify in this field will be omitted from the report. Pay Batch Number To Filters the report based on the highest batch number of the pay batch that is to be included on the report. Pay batches with a higher batch number other than the number you specify in this field will be omitted from the report. Super Fund Filters the Super Contributions report according to the name of the superannuation fund to which contributions are paid. Superannuation contributions payable to funds other than the fund you select in this field are omitted from the report. This field defaults to Any, thereby allowing you to include superannuation contributions regardless of the fund to which the contributions are made. Employment Start Date From Filters the New Payees report according to the earliest date on which payees commenced employment. Payees with an employment start date prior to the date you specify in this field will be omitted from the report. To specify a date, click and use the calendar control to select the relevant date. Employment Start Date To Filters the New Payees report according to the latest date in which payees commenced employment. Payees with an employment start date after the date you specify in this field will be omitted from the report. To specify a date, click and use the calendar control to select the relevant date. No TFN Dec. Signed Filters the New Payees report based on whether a payee has returned a signed Tax File Number (TFN) Declaration form. If ticked, payees who have submitted a signed TFN Declaration form will be omitted from the report. This field applies to payees with a tax type of PAYG only. No Super Fund Filters the New Payees report based on whether a payee has a superannuation fund selected on their payee record. If ticked, payees who do already have a super fund will be omitted from the report. No Policy Number Filters the New Payees report based on whether a payee has a policy/membership number against their superannuation funds. If ticked, payees who have a policy number specified against each of their superannuation funds will be omitted from the report. No GST Registered Filters the New Payees report based on whether a payee is registered for GST. If ticked, payees who are registered for GST will be omitted from the report. This field applies to payees with a tax type of Company only. Deduction Type Filters the Deductions report based on a specific type of deduction (for example: Child Support). Payees who did not have a deduction from their pay of the selected type will be omitted from the report. This field defaults to Any, which will include payees on the report if they had any deductions regardless of the deduction type. Deduction Filters the Deductions report based on the name of the specific deduction. Payees who did not have the selected deduction deducted from the pay will be omitted from the report. This field defaults to Any, which will include payees on the report if they had any deductions regardless of the name of the deduction.
WorkCover State Filters a WorkCover report according to the state in which WorkCover liabilities are to be reported.
WorkCover Industry Filters a WorkCover report according to the industry on which WorkCover liabilities are to be reported. Payroll information for industries other than the one you select in this field will be omitted from the report. This field defaults to Any, which will include all WorkCover industries.
Payee First Name Filters the report according to the first name of the payee. Payees with a first name that does not match the name you specify in this field will be omitted from the report. Leading and trailing wildcards (%) can be used for partial matching on the name. For example, %anne matches Maryanne and Joanne, an% matches Ann and Angela while %ann% matches Joanne and Maryanne. Payee Surname Filters the report according to the first name of the payee. Payees with a first name that does not match the name you specify in this field will be omitted from the report. Leading and trailing wildcards (%) can be used for partial matching on the name. For example, %hall matches Whitehall and Blackhall, white% matches Whitehall and Whitely while %al% matches Whitehall and Blackhall.
Payee No. Filters the report according to the ID that uniquely identifies a payee. Payees with a payee number other than the number you specify in this field will be omitted from the report.
Candidate No. Filters the report according to the ID that uniquely identifies the candidate to whom a payee is linked. Payees linked to a candidate other than the candidate identified by the candidate number you specify in this field will be omitted from the report.
Job Order Number Filters the report according to the unique job order number of a job. Payroll information pertaining to job order other than the job order you specify in this field will be omitted from the report.
Client ID Filters the report according to the client number that uniquely identifies an agency client. Clients other than the client that corresponds to the client ID you specify in this field will be omitted from the report.
Client Name Filters the report according to the name of an agency client. Clients other than the client named in this field will be omitted from the report. Tax Type Filters the payees that will be included on a report based on their tax type. Payees who do not have the tax type you select in this field will be omitted from the report. This field defaults to Any, which will include payees on the report regardless of their tax type. |
11. | Click Show Report. The report opens in a separate window. |
Once you run the report, there are a number of actions that are available in the header of the report window as shown below.
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