FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Manage Work References or Work History
The Work Reference section within the Candidate record is used to store and manage job history information and references. Note: Your Agency may have configured that on job fill Candidates require a certain number of Work References where the outcome is 'Satisfactory'. Please ensure the Outcome is completed to avoid issues when filling jobs.
Add a work history or work reference
1 | Open the Candidate record and navigate to the Work Reference section. | |
2 | Select Add. The Add Work Reference screen is displayed. | |
3 | Update details where required. Select 'Current' if the Candidate is currently working in the role. Select 'Skills' to open the 'Add Skills' screen. See the section Manage Candidate Skills for the process to search and select skills for Work References / Work History. Tick Add to Candidate Skills' where the attributes have been validated and can be listed in the skills section. | |
4 | If a reference has been completed, in the Reference Checked field select Yes, an d select an outcome in the Outcome field. Where 'Outcome' is 'Satisfactory' the 'Satisfactory Reference Checks' count at the top of the Candidate record is updated. | |
5 | When the history or reference information been entered, select Save. The work history / reference is displayed in the Work History list. |
Edit a work history or work reference
1 | Open the Candidate record and navigate to the Work References section. |
2 | Select Edit. The Edit Work Reference screen is displayed. |
3 | Make the changes required and select Save. The changes are applied. |