FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Candidate Preferences and Exclusions
The Candidate Preferences and Exclusions feature provides you with the ability to flag if a Candidate is preferred or excluded from a Client entity. For example, where a Client requests that they do not want a particular Candidate to be placed on any future assignments, or where a Candidate has advised that they prefer to work with a particular Client.
Where an Exclusion exists that relates to the Candidate and the Job Order entity (Parent, Client, Cost Centre), if a user attempts to place the Candidate, the system will display a warning and prevent the user from filling the job.
Apply To Entity Type
Preferences/Exclusions are assigned an 'Apply to Entity Type':
Global – Candidate cannot be placed with any Client in the Agency.
Parent – Candidate cannot be placed with any Client owned by the Parent, or Cost Centre owned by the Clients.
Client – Candidate cannot be placed with the Client or the Client's Cost Centres.
Cost Centre – Candidate cannot be placed with the Cost Centre.
Parent – Candidate is preferred to Client(s) owned by the Parent, or Cost Centres owned by the Clients.
Client – Candidate is preferred to the Client or the Client's Cost Centres.
Cost Centre – Candidate is preferred to the Cost Centre.
Preference and Exclusion Type
Preferences/Exclusions are also assigned a 'Preference/Exclusion Type', which defines WHO has requested the Preference/Exclusion, an Agency User, a Client or a Candidate.
For example, where the Candidate advises they do not wish to return to a Client, the 'Preference/Exclusion Type' assigned would be 'Candidate'. The 'Agency User' type may be used where an Agency has determined the preference / exclusion is beneficial for example a 'Global Exclusion' may be deemed appropriate by the Agency.
Visibility of Preferences and Exclusions
Transparency to Preferences and Exclusions has been provided in applicable records, for example:
Candidate record show the Candidate's Preferences and exclusions in the 'Preferences and Exclusions' list.
Parent, Client, Cost Centre level Preferences and Exclusions display in the record's 'Preferred and Excluded Candidate' list.
Search Available Candidate – Preference/Exclusion filters are available to allow users to find preferred Candidates for the Job's Client, and to also avoid excluded Candidates. New items have been added to Manage Layout so that result lists can show preferences and exclusions relating to the Job's Client, against each Candidate in the result list.
Referral Workflow – against each referred Candidate users can see if a Preference and or Exclusion exists. A green tick denotes a Preference, red cross is an Exclusion, and a stop sign is displayed for a Global Exclusion.
Preference and Exclusion Rules
The following rules apply:
Only one Exclusion and one Preference can be assigned within an entity group per Candidate. For example, Client X wishes to exclude Candidate X, Client X has a Parent and Cost Centres. An exclusion could reside at the Parent level (so all Clients below the Parent are excluded), the Client level (so the Client and any of its Cost Centres are excluded), or at Cost Centre level. The entity item can be changed if required, for example if the Candidate X was excluded for Cost Centre XY, a user could change the exclusion to reside at the Client level, therefore the Candidate would then be excluded from the Client as well as all of its subordinate Cost Centres.
There could in theory be three exclusions and three preferences between Client X and Candidate X, depending on WHO has requested the exclusion and or preference. For example, an exclusion requested by the Candidate, an exclusion also requested by the Client, and an exclusion that was imposed from the Agency. There could also be a Global exclusion assigned to the Candidate. There are no rules to limit this ie; what requester would supersede another. This allows the business transparency regarding who has requested the exclusion or preference.
Regardless of who has requested an exclusion, on Job Fill the system will check to see if an exclusion exists to the entity related to the job (Parent, Client, Cost Centre) or if a Global exclusion exists, and will determine if the Job can be Filled. The user will be informed as to why the job cannot be filled where an exclusion exists.
It is important to note that where, for example, the Candidate prefers a Client, but that Client has excluded the Candidate, preferences are ignored on job fill.
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