FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Create and Manage Candidate Records
To find a Candidate record, use the Dashboard Quick Access link to display the search screen. Alternatively use the search function via the Left Hand Menu, by selecting Recruitment Manager > Candidate. For more information see the section Searching.
Create a Candidate
Candidate records can be automatically created or updated via the following processes:
Where the Advertise Job Feature has been configured, Candidates applying to on-line job advertisements via a FastTrack Questionnaire, are automatically created or updated via a parsing process.
Where Outlook Extensions has been configured, you can run a process via Microsoft Outlook to create or update a Candidate record from an email. See the item Add or Update a Candidate for details.
To manually create a Candidate record:
1 | Navigate to the Left Hand Menu, select Recruitment Manager > Candidate. |
2 | Enter details into the search criterion ie; Firstname Surname. Click Search. Search results are displayed. |
| If the Candidate does not already exist, click Add located on the top left of the search result list. The basic candidate record is displayed. Note, this screen does not contain all sections of the Candidate record. |
3 | Complete all mandatory items. |
4 | Select Save at the top of the screen. The full Candidate record is displayed. |
To create or maintain a portal user
The Candidate Portal allows Candidates to access information and perform actions via the web such as maintaining a profile and keying in timesheets. Candidate portal access can be managed from the Candidate record.
The attached document provides some basic information regarding the technology requirements for the portal, and can be distributed to Candidates to help them to get the best out of the product FastTrack360 Self Sevice Portal Technology Requirements.pdf
1 | Open the Candidate record and select Edit at the top of the record. |
2 | Navigate to the Portal User section. |
3 | Enter or update fields as required. Note: Where a portal user has exceeded their login attempts, the Login Blocked checkbox will be ticked. Un-tick to remove the block and allow the user to re-attempt login. |
4 | Select Save at the top of the record. The settings are applied. |
Link a Candidate to a Contact
Where a Candidate is also a Contact, the Contact record can be linked to the Candidate record.
1 | Open the Candidate record and select Edit at the top of the record. |
2 | Navigate to the Client Contact Name field in the main section of the Candidate record. |
3 | Enter in the name of the Contact or use the Lookup feature to find and select the Contact. See the section Lookup for more information if required. |
4 | Select Save at the top of the record. The Contact is linked to the Candidate. |
Remove a Contact linked to a Candidate:
1 | Open the Candidate record and select Edit at the top of the record. |
2 | Navigate to the Client Contact Name field in the main section of the Candidate record. |
3 | Select the contact's name and click on the Delete key. The name is removed from the field. |
4 | Select Save at the top of the record. The Contact is linked to the Candidate. |
5 | Select Save at the top of record. The Contact is removed from the Candidate record. |
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