Link or Remove a Cost Centre

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Link or Remove a Cost Centre

Client Contacts may be responsible for resourcing and or invoices for particular Cost Centres. Where this is the case, one or many Cost Centres can be linked to a Contact record.

Link a Cost Centre to a Contact


Open the Contact record and navigate to the Cost Centre section.


Select Link.

The 'Add Cost Centre' screen is displayed.


Click in the Cost Centre field to display the items available.


Select the Cost Centres required and select Save.

The Cost Centre(s) are displayed in the Cost Centre list.

Remove a Cost Centre from a Contact:


Open the Contact record and navigate to the Cost Centre section.


In the list, select Remove next to the Cost Centre to be removed.

A message is displayed 'Are you sure you want to remove the cost centre?'


Select Ok.

The Cost Centre is removed from the Contact record.

Remove a Contact from a Cost Centre:


Open the Cost Centre record and navigate to the Contacts section.


In the list, select Remove next to the Contact to be removed.

A message is displayed 'Are you sure you want to remove the Contact?'


Select Ok.

The Contact is removed from the Cost Centre record.

