FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Lists are used throughout FastTrack360 to display collections of records, batches or transactions. For example, lists are used to display search results and comments within a Client record.
A sum of list items is displayed next to the list heading.
Actions available to the list are located at the top right hand side of the list heading, or to the left of the individual list item.
In some lists, where a checkbox is available next to an item, it may need to be ticked to make an action editable. For example in the Candidate and Contact search result list, actions for Export and Bulk Email / SMS will only be editable where items have been ticked.
In lists in middle/back office, where a list of records display, you can use the double click method to open the record. For example, the Payee Search result list, double clicking on a Payee opens the record in View mode.
Page Navigation
Lists in front office are configured to display a certain number of records per page (paging). Where records exceed the maximum for a single page, navigation actions are provided so that you can navigate between each page.
The range of records displayed on the current page is shown on the bottom left hand side of a list. For example, Showing 1-5 of 10 entries.
To navigate to a prior page, select Previous, or to move forward in the list select Next.
Lists in the back office are also paged.
More controls are available within these lists including:
The ability to go to the end of the list >> and the start of the list <<
The ability to click on page of results
The ability to change the number of records that display in a list (see drop down arrow next to the value 10 in the picture above).
Scroll Bar
Where the number of columns is greater than the space available in the window, a scroll bar is displayed at the bottom of the list.
To view columns that are not displayed, use the arrows at either end of the scroll bar to move the list horizontally.
The greyed bar in the middle can also be used to navigate across the columns.
If the scroll bar is not visible on the page, rather than scrolling to the bottom of the page you can use the standard Windows hack of clicking within the list, then using your arrow buttons (> <) to scroll the list from left to right. Alternatively, click on a row in the list, hold down the shift button and use your mouse wheel to scroll the list from left to right.
Quick Sort
All lists are sorted by default. For example, the Client search result list is alphabetically sorted by Client Name. You can change the sort order of any list if required.
An arrow on the right hand side of a column header informs the sort column and the order applied. The up arrow denotes lowest to highest, alpha a – z, or if numerical lowest number to highest. The down arrow denotes a reverse sort, reverse alpha or numerical.
To change (reverse) the sort order of the list, select the column header name or click on the arrow next to the name.
To change the sort by to another column, select the column’s header.
Filters can be applied to a list to display a particular record or records that you would want to view while hiding all other records that are not currently relevant to you.
All lists can be exported.
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