Processing Timesheet Import Batches

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Processing Timesheet Import Batches

This section explains how to create Timesheet Import batches to process timesheet import file and therefore create timesheets within the Time and Attendance module.

This section also explains how you can monitor the progress of Timesheet Import batches that have been queued for processing.

How to Process a Timesheet Import File

Before attempting to process a timesheet import file ensure that the import file that you want to process is formatted appropriately and is saved in a location that is accessible on your network. For more information, see Import File Format Validation.
To process a timesheet import file, follow the procedure below.


Navigate to Time and Attendance > Timesheet Import.

The Manage Import Batches screen opens.



In the Batch List section of the screen, click Add.

The Create New Timesheet Import Batch screen opens.


Next to the Import File field, click the download button.

The Choose File to Import dialog box opens.


Using the Choose File to Upload dialog box, navigate to the location where the import file has been saved and click on the import file.

The name of the selected file appears in the File name field on the Choose File to Upload dialog box.



Click Open.

The Choose File to Upload dialog box closes and the name of the file you have selected for import is displayed in the Import File field.



If the import file you have chosen to upload uses a field delimiter other than a comma to separate fields of information, select the relevant type of character that is used to separate each field from the options available in the Delimiter field.

Note that if the import file uses a delimiter type other than a comma, pipe or tab character, you will need to select the Other option and then key in the relevant character type in the Delimiter Character Type field.



If required, select an option from the Source field to identify where the timesheet data is being imported from. For example, the source may be used to identify the type of third-party clocking system from which timesheet data is being imported. This will allow timesheets to be searched in the Time and Attendance module based on their origin.



Select Adjustment Reason Default, where the timesheets being imported are Adjustment Timesheets and you wish to have the same Adjustment Reason applied to each Timesheet, rather than including this for each Timesheet within the import file.



Click Next.

The system attempts to read the import file and if successful the Import Settings screen opens. The column headers extracted from the field are listed under Column Header within the Field Mappings section of the screen. If this is the case, continue on to step 9 below.

If validation of the import file fails an error message is displayed and the import batch cannot be created and processed. For more information, see Import File Format Validation.



In the Import Template field, select the template that defines the field mappings for the import. Alternatively, in the Map to Field column within the Field Mappings section of the screen select the FastTrack field to which each column header in the import file corresponds.

If you manually define field mappings within the Field Mappings section of the screen rather than using a predefined mapping template you can save the mapping you define as a template so that it can be applied as a predefined template in the future.
For more information, see Saving Field Mapping Templates.



Once each column header is mapped to a FastTrack field, click Queue Batch.

The system attempts to validate the field mappings and if successful the import batch is queued for processing. For more information, see Process Queue Management.

If the field mapping is invalid, an error message is displayed and the import batch is not queued for processing. For more information, see Import File Format Validation.


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