Leave Request List Screen

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Leave Request List Screen

If you are a candidate who uses the Leave Request module to submit your own leave requests, the Leave Request List screen allows you to find all of your leave requests including:

  • leave requests that you have created and saved but are yet to submit for approval

  • leave requests you have submitted for approval but that are yet to be approved

  • leave requests you have submitted and have been approved or rejected

  • leave requests you have cancelled.

If you are a leave proxy the Leave Request List screen allows you to find all leave requests that belong to candidates for whom your are the candidate owner including the following:

  • leave requests you have created on behalf of candidates and saved but are yet to approve

  • leave requests that you created on behalf of candidates and have approved

  • leave requests that have been submitted by candidates for your approval that you are yet to approve

  • leave requests that have been submitted by candidates for your approval that you have approved or rejected.

If you are a leave administrator the Leave Request List screen allows you to find all leave requests that belong to candidates with a home office in your data group including the following:

  • leave requests you have created on behalf of candidates and saved but are yet to approve

  • leave requests that you created on behalf of candidates and have approved

  • leave requests that have been submitted by candidates for approval that are yet to be approved

  • leave requests that have been submitted by candidates for approval that have been approved or rejected.

To display the Leave Request List screen, navigate to Candidate or Agency Portal > Leave > Leave Request. The Leave Request List screen consists of the following sections:

  • search header - this allows you to select or key search criteria to help you find specific leave requests

  • leave list - this lists leave requests that match the search criteria that you specify in the search header. 





Search Header

Start Date

Earliest leave commencement date of a leave request. For example, a date of 01/08/2020 will return and list leave requests that have an absence start date of no earlier than 01/07/2020.

This field defaults to the first day of the current calendar month. To change the date, click within the field and use the calendar control to select the relevant start date.

End Date

Latest leave conclusion date of a leave request. For example, a date of 21/07/2020 will return and list leave requests that have an absence end date of no later than 31/08/2020.

This field defaults to the last day of the current calendar month. To change the date, click within the field and use the calendar control to select the relevant start date.

Absence Type

Type of leave to which a leave request corresponds.

This field defaults to Any to allow searching for leave requests irrespective of the absence type that applies. To find leave requests that correspond to a specific absence type only, select the relevant absence type from the available list.

Leave Request Status

Approval status of the leave request.

This field defaults to Any to allow searching for leave requests irrespective of their status. To find leave requests that have a specific status only, select one of the following options:

  • Pending - the leave request has been created and saved but is yet to be submitted for approval.

  • Submitted - the leave request has been submitted for approval but is yet to be actioned by the approver.

  • Rejected - the leave request was submitted for approval but was rejected by the approver.

  • Cancelled - the leave request has been cancelled.

  • Approved - the leave request has has been approved.

Task Status

Status of the leave request that determines if it requires actioning.

This field defaults to Any to allow searching for leave requests irrespective of their task status. To find only those leave requests that require actioning, select Open or to find only those leave requests that require no further actioning, select Closed.

A leave request is deemed to require actioning if the leave request status is Pending or Submitted. If the status is RejectedCancelled or Approved, the leave request is not deemed as requiring any further action.

This field defaults to Any to allow searching for leave requests irrespective of their task status.

Payment State

State of the leave request that determines if it yet to be paid, it has been paid in full, it has been partially paid or has been unpaid.

This field defaults to Any to allow searching for leave requests irrespective of the payment state. To find leave requests that have a specific payment state only, select one of the following options:

  • Processed - the leave request has been processed in a pay batch and has been paid in full.

  • Partially Processed - the leave leave has been processed in a pay batch and has been partially paid (i.e. one or more days of the leave request were unpaid).

  • Not Processed - the leave request has been processed in a pay batch and the entire leave request was unpaid.

  • Pending - the leave request is yet to be processed in a pay batch.

  • Cancelled in Pay Batch - payment of the entire leave request was cancelled at the Leave Payments stage in a pay batch.

  • Partially Cancelled in Pay Batch - payment of the leave request was partially cancelled at the Leave Payments stage in the a pay batch (i.e. payment for one or more days was cancelled in the pay batch).

This field is only available if you are a leave proxy or a leave administrator.

Payee First Name

Given name of the payee/candidate. To find leave requests for a specific payee/candidate only, key in the payee's given in this field.

You can use leading and trailing wildcard characters to partially match on the name. For example, jo% will match names such as Jo, Joe and Joanne while %elle will match names such as Michelle, Danielle and Rochelle.

This field is only available if you are a leave proxy or a leave administrator.

Payee Surname

Given name of the payee/candidate. To find leave requests for a specific payee/candidate only, key in the payee's given in this field.

You can use leading and trailing wildcard characters to partially match on the name. For example, john% will match names such as Johns, Johnson and Johnston while %thorn will match names such as Thorn, Hawthorn and Rosethorn.

Candidate No.

The nine-digit FastTrack360 candidate number that uniquely identifies the candidate to whom a leave request belongs. To find leave requests for a specific candidate only, key in the candidate number in this field if you know it.

This field is only available if you are a leave proxy or a leave administrator.

Payee No.

The nine-digit FastTrack360 payee number that uniquely identifies the payee to whom a leave request belongs. To find leave requests for a specific payee only, key in the payee number in this field if you know it.

Leave List

Leave Status

Displays the approval status of the listed leave request. This can be one of the following:

  • Pending - the leave request has been created and saved but is yet to be submitted for approval.

  • Submitted - the leave request has been submitted for approval but is yet to be actioned by the approver.

  • Rejected - the leave request was submitted for approval but was rejected by the approver.

  • Cancelled - the leave request has been cancelled.

  • Approved - the leave request has has been approved.

Candidate No.

Displays the FastTrack360 nine-digit candidate number that uniquely identifies the candidate to whom the listed leave request corresponds.

Payee No.

Displays the FastTrack360 nine-digit payee number that uniquely identifies the payee to whom the listed leave request corresponds.

Payee Surname

Displays the family name of the payee/candidate to whom the listed leave request corresponds.

Payee First Name

Displays the given name of the payee/candidate to whom the listed leave request corresponds.

Start Date

Displays the date on which the absence from work begins for the listed leave request.

End Date

Displays the date on which the absence from work concludes for the listed leave request.

Absence Type

Displays the type of leave to which the listed leave request corresponds.

Request Date

Displays the date on which the listed leave request was submitted or is blank if the leave request is yet to be submitted.

Staff Owner Surname

Displays the family name of the agency staff member who is the candidate owner of the candidate to whom the listed leave request corresponds. This is blank unless the leave request has been submitted.

Staff Owner First Name

Displays the given name of the agency staff member who is the candidate owner of the candidate to whom the listed leave request corresponds. This is blank unless the leave request has been submitted.

Auto Approved

Displays Yes if the leave request was automatically created due to an absence item being added to a timesheet that was subsequently approved by a timesheet approver, thereby also approving the automatically created leave request.

Approved Date

Displays the date on which the listed leave request was approved or displays blank if the leave request has not been approved.


Displays Yes if the listed leave request was created on behalf of the candidate by a leave proxy or displays No if the leave request was not created by a leave proxy.

Attachment Count

Displays the number of documents or files, such as medical certificates or other documentation required for approval of the leave, that are attached to the leave request.

If you are approving leave requests, this acts as a prompt for you to check the attached documentation before approving the leave.

Payment State

Displays whether the listed leave request has been paid. This can be one of the following:

  • Processed - the leave request has been processed in a pay batch and has been paid in full.

  • Partially Processed - the leave leave has been processed in a pay batch and has been partially paid (i.e. one or more days of the leave request were unpaid).

  • Not Processed - the leave request has been processed in a pay batch and the entire leave request was unpaid.

  • Pending - the leave request is yet to be processed in a pay batch.

  • Cancelled in Pay Batch - payment of the entire leave request was cancelled at the Leave Payments stage in a pay batch.

  • Partially Cancelled in Pay Batch - payment of the leave request was partially cancelled at the Leave Payments stage in the a pay batch (i.e. payment for one or more days was cancelled in the pay batch).



Triggers a search for leave requests that match the search criteria that is selected in the search header.

Restores all fields in the search header to their default value.

Displays the Leave Request New Entry screen, thereby allowing you to create a new leave request.

Removes any filtering criteria that has been applied to columns in the leave list.

Exports the list of leave requests to a file that can be saved to a location on your computer or network.

Displays the Manage Grid Layout screen, thereby allowing you to hide, display or rearrange the order of columns in the leave list.



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