FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Leave Request
The Leave Request module allows agency staff members, who manage payees or who are leave administrators, to submit leave requests on behalf of payees and to review and approve leave requests that have been submitted by payees.
In FastTrack360 there are two ways that an absence from work can be recorded and managed:
via absence items on timesheets
by submitting a leave request via the Leave Request module.
Leave requests are submitted via the Leave Request module primarily when there is no timesheet available, which may be the case when a candidate is not actively placed in a job or when the requested leave is for a period in the future. However if a Leave Request is generated and it intersects with a Timesheet that is Available belonging to the same payee the request has been generated for, the Leave Request will be applied to the timesheet.
When leave is recorded via an absence item on a timesheet, FastTrack360 automatically creates an approved leave request as part of a background process when the timesheet is approved via the timesheet approval process in the Time and Attendance module.
The Leave Request module allows leave requests to be captured and approved in those situations where leave is not recorded via an absence item on a timesheet. The Leave Request module can be used by the following types of users:
leave proxies
leave administrators.
Payees who have access to the Leave Request module you can do the following:
submit their own leave requests for approval
check on the approval status of their submitted leave requests
recall leave requests that they have submitted, if they are yet to be approved.
Leave Proxies
If you are a leave proxy you can do the following in the Leave Request module:
submit leave requests on behalf of payees who you manage and who do not have access to create and submit their own leave requests
approve leave requests that have been submitted for approval by payees who you manage and who do have access to create and submit their own leave requests
cancel leave requests that you have created on behalf of payees but have not yet approved
cancel leave requests that have been approved.
Leave proxies can action leave requests on behalf of payees for whom they are the candidate owner, as identified on the Candidate record in Recruitment Manager.
Depending on your user security permissions, if you act as a leave proxy for a payee you may not be able to cancel approved leave requests that have already been paid.
Leave Administrators
If you are a leave administrator you can perform that same actions in the Leave Request module as a leave proxy. However, you can action leave requests for any payee whose Candidate record has an agency home office that is in your data group without necessarily being the candidate owner. You can also cancel leave requests irrespective of whether they have been paid.
Leave administrators also receive escalation notifications if a leave request, which has been submitted for approval by a payee who has a home office within the leave administrator’s data group, has not been actioned (approved or rejected) within a certain time frame by the intended approver. This allows you to action the leave request on behalf of the approver if necessary.
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