FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Viewing the Timesheet Import Batch Audit Information
The Batch Audit screen allows you to view the details of successfully processed Timesheet Import batches that have a status of Completed or Completed with Exceptions. To display the Batch Audit screen, click Download/Open > Open Batch Audit next to the relevant Timesheet Import batch in the Batch List on the Time and Attendance > Timesheet Import > Manage Import Batches screen.
The Batch Audit screen consists of the following components:
a header that displays information about the import batch itself
a list of the timesheets that were successfully imported by processing the batch
The number of timesheets that are listed in the Batch Audit screen may not match the number of timesheets that were originally imported successfully. For example, a timesheet that was originally imported can be rejected by an approver, cleared and then expired in the Time and Attendance module and will therefore no longer appear in the list of available timesheets.
The details of an imported timesheet may also have changed since the timesheet was originally imported and may therefore no longer exactly match with the details of the timesheet that were current at the time of import. For example, since a timesheet was imported the corresponding job order may have been extended and therefore the job order end date that is shown for the timesheet in the Batch Audit screen will be different to the job order end date that may have been specified in the original import file.
You can perform the following actions from the Batch Audit screen:
download a copy of the original import file by clicking the Download Import File button
if at least one timesheet was created successfully, you can download the validation report by clicking the Download Validation Report button
if there were any exceptions or leave request warnings, you can download the exception report by clicking the Download Exception Report button.
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