FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Update an Existing Billing Company

Once a billing company record has been created it is possible to edit any of the attributes of the record unless invoices have already been generated against the billing company. If invoices have been generated against the billing company, the billing company record can still be edited but the following conditions apply:

  • the validity period of the record cannot be changed so that it is later than the date of any invoice generated against the billing company record

  • the validity period of the record cannot be changed in a manner so that the validity period of any offices linked to the billing company record fall outside the new billing company record validity dates

  • if the validity period of the record is changed, the validity periods of all rounding rules that apply to the billing company must be changed to ensure that the first set of rounding rules has the same validity start date as the record itself and that there is one set of rounding rules valid at all times throughout the validity period of the record

  • the country to which the company belongs cannot be changed once an invoice has been generated against the billing company record.

To update an existing billing company record, follow the procedure below.

How to Update an Existing Billing Company


Navigate to Billing > Maintenance > Billing Company.

The Billing Company Maintenance screen opens.


In the Search section at the top of the screen, select any search criteria that is relevant to the billing company that you want to edit and click Search.

Name of the billing company. If you know the name of the relevant billing company, type it in this field.

Export Code
Code that maps the billing company record to its equivalent in a third-party payroll system. If you know the relevant export code, type it in this field.

Corporate Identity Number
Organisation number that uniquely identifies the billing company for taxation purposes. If you know the corporate identity number of the relevant billing company, type it in this field.

Note that the exact label that is displayed for the Corporate Identity Number field depends on the label that is defined under Maintenance > Hierarchy > Country > Other Settings > Corporate Identity Number Label for the country to which the billing company belongs.

Determines if the system will search for active billing company records only, inactive billing company records only or both.


Country to which the billing company belongs. This field defaults to the country as set in your user details. You can select another specific country to search for billing companies that belong to that specific country only. Alternatively, select Any Country to search for billing companies regardless of the country to which they belong.

Agency brand to which the billing company belongs. This defaults to Any Brand, thereby allowing you to search for billing companies belonging to any agency brand within the selected country. You can select a specific brand if you want to search for billing companies that belong to that specific agency brand only.

Region within the selected country to which the billing company belongs. This defaults to Any Region, thereby allowing you to search for billing companies belonging to any region within the selected country. You can select a specific region if you want to search for billing companies that belong to that specific region only.

Office List
Agency office(s) that are linked to the billing company. If you know one or more offices that are linked to the billing company, select the relevant office(s) in this field. Note that the list of offices displayed in this field depends on the options selected in the Country, Brand and Region fields.

Alternatively, to find all existing billing companies just click Search without changing any of the default search parameters.

Existing billing companies that match your search criteria are listed in the Results section of the screen.


In the Results section of the screen, locate the row that corresponds to the billing company that you want to edit and click the View button at the start of the row where that item is listed.

The details of the billing company are displayed in the Billing Entry screen.


Change any of the billing company attributes as required.

For more information, see How to Create a Billing Company.


Click Save.

Your changes are saved and the Billing Company Entry screen closes.


