National Minimum Wage - Hierarchy

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

National Minimum Wage - Hierarchy


National Minimum Wage (NMW) monitoring has been added to FastTrack360. This is an optional feature and if enabled the following will be available:

  • Additional fields to configure for NMW has been added to the pay code and deduction set up

  • A National Minimum Wage stage added to the pay batch process to highlight if a payee’s basic rate is below the minimum level for their age and apprenticeship status

  • A report to identify breaches in current pay batch and historical pay batches (from the point NMW is enabled)

To enable NMW, additional fields have been added to the Pay Settings in the Hierarchy of the country.





Enabled National Minimum Wage

To enable the feature, check this field on. It becomes disabled during the pay batch process. If you wish to update this setting, ensure there are no active pay batches.

NMW Label

The label is defaulted to National Minimum Wage and the text entered will be what is displayed in the pay batch stage description. Therefore, you can change it to a different label if required.

NMW Excluded Payee Types

You can decide if you do not wish to monitor NMW for particular payee types. For example, Contractors are not employees and therefore are not covered by NMW regulations. Any payee type added here will mean there will be no entry or monitoring during the pay batch process. This can be updated at any time and the latest setting will be used during the pay process. It will not update any prior pay batches.


Will help to ensure payees are paid national minimum wage.


As above.


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