FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

How to Register a Billing Company for eInvoicing

Each Billing Company that is to deliver invoices via eInvoicing must be registered for eInvoicing before you attempt to deliver eInvoices.

Before you attempt to register any Billing Company for eInvoicing ensure that you have been provisioned with an Access Workspace ID (for more information, see What you need to do before commencing eInvoicing).

Once you have been provisioned with a Workspace ID, the ID will be displayed in the Workspace ID field on the Billing > Maintenance > Billing Company > Billing Company Entry screen for all Bill Companies that exist in your FastTrack360 environment.

The following Billing Company fields, which are not normally mandatory, must be defined in order to register for eInvoicing:

  • All fields except for Address Line 2 under Billing Company Entry > Contact Details

  • Taxation No under Billing Company Entry > Additional Details > Taxation Numbers.

As part of the registration process you will need to provide the details of the bank account into which debtors must pay invoices, including the following:

  • account name

  • account number

  • BSB (for AU) or NCC (for NZ) that identifies the financial institution branch at which the account is held.


To initiate the registration process for a Billing Company, follow the procedure below:








Navigate to Billing > Maintenance > Billing Company and search for and open the relevant Billing Company record.

The Billing Company record is displayed in the Billing Company Entry screen.



Click the eInvoicing tab.

The eInvoicing tab is activated.



In the Bank Account Details section of the eInvoicing tab, key in the details of the bank account into which debtors must pay invoices that are issued by this Billing Company.



In the Registration section of the eInvoicing tab, click the Register button.

The value in the Registration Status field changes from Not Initiated to Initiated.

Once the registration process has been initiated successfully, it may take several minutes for the Billing Company details to register and during this time the Registration Status field will continue to display Initiated. While that is the case, it is recommended that you do not make any changes to the Billing Company record.

Once the Billing Company details register successfully, the Registration Status field will update to show Registered. That indicates that the registration process is complete.

Updates to Billing Company After Successful Registration

Once the registration process has been completed successfully and the registration status is Registered, if updates are made to key fields on the Billing Company record, on save of the changes FastTrack360 automatically triggers an update of the registration details in the background as soon as the changes are saved.

When that occurs, the registration status of the Billing Company will change to Update Initiated while the update is being processed. While the status is Update Initiated, you can continue to deliver eInvoices but the previous registration details will be used until the status changes to Registered again.

An update is automatically triggered whenever changes to the following Billing Company fields are saved:

  • Billing Company Name

  • Contact Details > First Name

  • Contact Details > Surname

  • Contact Details > Phone

  • Contact Details > Email.

Billing Company Rounding Settings

The Billing Company rounding settings, which are configured under Billing > Maintenance > Billing Company > Billing Company Entry > Rounding, must be set to round to two decimal places at the Invoice Sub Total (Including Tax), Invoice Sub Total (Including Tax) and Invoice Tax Total, as shown in the example below.


