Suppression of Historical, Negative Payday Returns V12.20P1

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Suppression of Historical, Negative Payday Returns V12.20P1


In the v12.18 release of FastTrack360 an enhancement was made whereby if the total result of processing a pay batch is a negative amount, a Payday Return is created and the negative amounts are replaced with zero values so that the Payday Return can still be submitted for the corresponding filing period (for more information, see Payday Filing Returns for Negative Adjustments - FastTrack360 Online Help - Confluence (atlassian.net)).

An unintended consequence of this change was that after upgrading to v12.18, Payday Returns, which predate the upgrade to v12.18 and correspond to payments that total to a negative amount, became exposed on the Payroll > IR Electronic Reporting > Payday Reporting screen and had a status of Not Submitted.

A further change has now been implemented to hide any Payday Returns with a negative total that predate the upgrade of your system to v12.18 so that such Returns no longer show as unsubmitted entries on the Payday Reporting screen.


This enhancement prevents the unnecessary display of entries on the Payday Reporting screen and therefore improves the usability of the Payday Filing functionality.


No configuration required.

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