Pension Management - Search and Results

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Pension Management - Search and Results


The pension management screen allows you to manage your pension outputs:

  • Search for outputs that have been generated

  • View the submission status of API generated data

  • Re-submit corrected data via API

  • Generate new pension period outputs


Expand the section below to view the search parameters to enable you to find pension batches that have been generated.

Pay Company

If there are multiple pay companies within your app, you can either view all pay company pension outputs or a pay company by picking from the list. The default is Any.

Pay Group

To allow you to search for outputs for a multi-select of pay groups.


If there are multiple providers within your app, you can either view all provider outputs that you have generated data for or for a particular provider. The default is Any.


If there are multiple schemes, you can view all schemes or you can multi-select schemes. If you have chosen a particular provider, the schemes in the list will only show those schemes linked to the selected provider.

Action Type

Currently this only allows for the outputs that have been exported. The default is Any.

Pay Period End Date

Where an output contains contribution data, this will relate to a pay period. If you wish to find the output that contains that period’s contribution data, you can enter a date range. If left blank, it will return all data generated within the other selected criteria.

Batch Date

There could be multiple outputs generated, depending on the output criteria of the provider. The outputs generated will be generated within a pension batch. You can identify the batches by the date the batches were generated.

Batch No

There could be multiple outputs generated, depending on the output criteria of the provider. The outputs generated will be generated within a pension batch. You can identify search for a range of batch ids.


To search for a status of a submission of an API output. Where the output is csv, the status will always be Completed. For an API submission, the status types are:

  • Queued - The output has been generated and is queued to be submitted to the provider

  • Submitted - The output has been submitted to the provider and awaiting confirmation of success of the submission.

  • Completed - The output has been received and processed by the provider.

  • Completed with Exceptions - The data has been received by the provider and processed but there are records that had errors and need attention.

  • Failed - The whole submission has failed.

  • Technical Error - The service to submit the output has failed.

Output Type

Each pension provider has different output requirements. Some have a single output such as Now:Pension. Some have multiple outputs such as Nest. This will display a list of the available outputs which is dependent on the selected provider. If you have multiple providers and you have selected Any as the provider, then all of the output types will be displayed. If you have multiple providers and you have selected a particular provider, then only the output types applicable to that provider will be available to select. When selecting the option of Any will only return those output types based on the provider(s) you have selected.


The results grid returns the batch items that have been generated. To view the details of the submission status, click on the status button.


The ability to manage all provider outputs in 1 place.


Access permission must be applied to the menu item via Global Maintenance > Role-Data Groups

