FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help
Product Net Promotor Survey
A Product Net Promoter (pNPS) survey feature has been added to allow agency users of FastTrack360 to give regular feedback about their experience using FastTrack360.
When you log into FastTrack360 for the first time after your system is upgraded to v12.20 a survey panel will be displayed at the bottom of the FastTrack360 screen as shown in the example below:
You can click on the relevant number from 0 to 10 to indicate your response on the scale of Not at all likely to Extremely likely. That will record your response anonymously and will close the survey panel. Alternatively, to close the survey panel without giving a response, click the X button in the right-hand corner of the panel.
Responses to the survey question are rated based on a NPS scale whereby:
a response in the range 9-10 is classified as a promoting score (you are likely to actively recommend FastTrack360 to other people)
a response in the range 7-8 is a passive score (you are not likely to actively recommend FastTrack360 to other people)
a response in the range 0-6 is classified as a detracting score (you are unlikely to recommend FastTrack360 to other people).
The following applies to the survey:
it is published quarterly and to a random selection of Agency users
it is targeted at Agency users only; Candidates or Client Contacts who access FastTrack360 will not see the survey.
This enhancement allows you to regularly and easily provide feedback as to how satisfied you are with the FastTrack360 product and the levels of service provided with the product. The feedback can then be used by FastTrack to improve upon product quality, support and services.
No configuration required.
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