API Access

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

API Access

FastTrack360 does support API consumption for the purpose of;

  • Marketplace integration support

  • Customer support for integration to other business solutions

API Design

There are a few important considerations around the design and purpose of these APIs;

  • FastTrack has designed the client facing API’s to support integrations i.e. POST, PATCH, PUT, DETELE methods

  • The API framework was not designed to cover 100% of FastTrack360’s modules and functions and is aligned to supporting integrating entities and sub-data of entities i.e. Clients and Comments.

  • The API framework is not designed to support integrating transaction data into reporting solutions. If you have this requirement FastTrack does have a data replication service (Nightly, Real-Time) that can be purchased to support a Data Warehouse or Data Lake.

API Consumption

There are a few important points around consumption, limits and error handling customers need to manage;

  • The API Gateway limits are applied via AWS Gateway and this applies the limits based on UTC time for example: 11-11am AEST (Summer Time). This cannot be changed and as such daily limits should factor in this time zone.

  • Limits are applied as a hard limit and are not tiered therefore overconsumption or purchasing a lower tier could cause consumption issues. Please factor this into your plans to avoids hard stops on usage as any additional consumption does require a higher tier.

  • Error handling - It is a requirement that clients develop integrations that are designed to manage exceptions. Any exceptions reported should be handled to avoid over consumption. FastTrack are not responsible for your integrations and will not be monitoring your consumption for incorrect usage.

Versioning/Change Management

The APIs are version driven and aligned to each release version of the FastTrack360 solution. On upgrade a customer will need to move to the latest version of the API.

FastTrack will make every attempt to avoid breaking modifications to the APIs but there will be instances where this will not be possible.  In such instances FastTrack will communicate the impacts to consumers to provide notice of upcoming changes that may require changes to their integrations.

Terms of Usage                                                                                          

The general terms of usage are:

  • An agreement is required between FastTrack and the customer/developer.

  • Consumption is managed in tiers of usage where it is the customers responsibility to monitor usage to ensure the correct tier is acquired. Third party integration agreements and license fees apply depending on the volume of consumption. This applies for all ad hoc Client integrations that are built to integrate with the FastTrack360 platform but do not include FastTrack360 Marketplace or accredited third party Front Office integrations.

  • The developer portal is only accessible on request, https://devportal.fasttrack360.com.au/legal.

If you wish to utilise the API’s please reach out to your Account Manager who can organise sharing the agreement, commercial terms, and Developer Portal access.

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