FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Timesheet Transaction Report Enhancements


Additional data has been added to the timesheet transaction reports and data extracts that can be triggered from the Timesheet Transaction Report menu on the Interpreter Results > Interpreter Review screen including the following:

  • Interpreter Review Data Report

  • Summary Transaction Report

  • Summary Transaction Report Data

  • Detailed Transaction Report

  • Detailed Transaction Report Data

The additional data that is now available for the reports/data excepts listed above is as follows:

  • PO Number - displays the purchase order number of the purchase order to which the listed timesheet is assigned, if any.

  • Client Position - displays the name of the client position, as defined on the corresponding job order, that applies to the listed timesheet, if any.

  • Status - displays the timesheet status name that applies to each listed timesheet.


This enhancement provides additional information that is useful for identifying interpreted timesheets and therefore makes reconciling interpreted timesheets easier.


No configuration required.

