Interpreted Timesheet Status Maintenance

FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Interpreted Timesheet Status Maintenance

FastTrack360 supports the concept of custom statuses for interpreted timesheets. Custom timesheet statuses can be configured and can each be linked to one of the following timesheet status types:

  • Not Reviewed - indicates that an interpreted timesheet is not released from the Interpreter for payment and billing.

  • Reviewed - Pay Only - indicates that an interpreted timesheet is released from the Interpreter for payment but not for billing.

  • Reviewed - Bill Only - indicates that an interpreted timesheet is released from the Interpreter for billing but not for payment.

  • Reviewed - Pay and Bill - indicates that an interpreted timesheet is released for payment and for billing.

Once custom timesheet statuses have been configured they can be assigned to Client records in the Recruitment Manager module to determine the status type that is to apply to a client’s timesheets when they are processed by the Interpreter Service and therefore whether manual intervention is required to review and release the client’s timesheets for payment and billing respectively.

For example, if a client’s timesheet status has a status type of Reviewed - Pay Only the client’s interpreted timesheets will be available for payment in a pay batch as soon as they are interpreted without the need for manual intervention to review and release the timesheets. However, the timesheets will not be released automatically for billing and manual intervention will be required in Interpreter Review to review and release the timesheets before they can be included in an invoice batch.

It is not mandatory to assign an interpreted timesheet status to clients. If a client does not have an interpreted timesheet status then a default status, which is defined at the country level, is used to determine the status type that applies to the client’s timesheets when they are interpreted.

To create a timesheet status you must specify the following:

  • the country to which the timesheet status will apply (e.g. a status that belongs to the country United Kingdom can only be applied to timesheets that are linked to United Kingdom)

  • the status type (e.g. Reviewed - Pay Only)

  • the name that uniquely identifies the status

  • if the status is to be the default timesheet search status in the Interpreter Review for its respective country (note that only one status can be flagged as the search default per country)

  • if the status is to be the default status that applies to interpreted timesheets for its respective country when there is no client timesheet status selected on the corresponding Client record (note that only one status can be flagged as the default per country)

  • if the status is to be the default status that applies to interpreted adjustment timesheets (note that only one status can be flagged as the default status that applies to interpreted adjustment timesheets per country and the status type must be Not Reviewed).

  • the sort order in which the status is to appear in lists where a timesheet status can be selected and applied, such as the list that is displayed when the Set To Status button is clicked in the Interpreter Review module.

Multiple statuses that have the same status type can be created for each country and the status name can be used to differentiate the purpose of each respective status.

The status of interpreted adjustment timesheets always defaults to a status type of Not Reviewed to ensure an adjustment timesheet cannot be defaulted to a status type that would allow the adjustment timesheet to be paid and/or billed before the original timesheet or a previous adjustment timesheet for that same job order and timesheet period.

Each interpreted timesheet status has a flag to indicate if the status is active (available to be applied to interpreted timesheets and Client records). The status that is flagged as the default interpreted timesheet status for a country must be also be flagged as active. There must also be at least one active status with the status type of Not Reviewed and at least one active status with a status type of Reviewed - Pay and Bill for each country to which timesheets are linked.


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